Official React Native SDK for Stream Chat
The official React Native and Expo components for Stream Chat, a service for
building chat applications.

Quick Links
📖 React Native Chat Tutorial
The best place to start is the React Native Chat Tutorial. It teaches you how to use this SDK and also shows how to make frequently required changes.
Free for Makers
Stream is free for most side and hobby projects. To qualify your project/company needs to have < 5 team members and < $10k in monthly revenue.
For complete pricing details visit our Chat Pricing Page
🔮 Example Apps
This repo includes 3 example apps. One made with Expo, two in TypeScript. One TypeScript app is a simple implementation for reference, the other is a more full featured app example.
Besides, our team maintains a dedicated repository for fully-fledged sample applications and demos at GetStream/react-native-samples. Please consider checking following sample applications:
💬 Keep in mind
Navigation between different components is something we expect consumers to implement. You can check out the example given in this repository
Minor releases may come with some breaking changes, so always check the release notes before upgrading the minor version.
You can see detailed documentation about the components at
👏 Contributing
We welcome code changes that improve this library or fix a problem, and please make sure to follow all best practices and test all the changes. Please check our dev setup docs to get you started. We are pleased to merge your code into the official repository. Make sure to sign our Contributor License Agreement (CLA) first. See our license file for more details.
Git flow & Release process
We enforce conventional commits and have an automated releasing process using workspaces and semantic-release. Read our git flow & release process guide for more information
We are hiring
We've recently closed a $38 million Series B funding round and we keep actively growing.
Our APIs are used by more than a billion end-users, and you'll have a chance to make a huge impact on the product within a team of the strongest engineers all over the world.
Check out our current openings and apply via Stream's website.