SurveyJS is a JavaScript Survey and Form Library.
SurveyJS is a modern way to add surveys and forms to your website. It has versions for Angular, jQuery, knockout, react and vue.
SurveyJS Library Documentation
Live Examples
SurveyJS Library Live Examples
Survey Creator / Form Builder
Create your Survey or Form now
Survey Creator sources are here
Export Survey to PDF
Export to PDF overview
Export to PDF sources are here
More info about SurveyJS
SurveyJS is the most feature-rich Survey / Form Library available at the current moment. It can be easily customized and extended to suit your needs.

Main Features
A lot of question types with a lot of built-in functionalities.
Multiple Pages Support
You may create a very complex forms with a lot of pages, like this one.
Dynamically change survey logic and questions content
Localization and Multiple language support
Appearance and custom Rendering
Frequently used functionalities
To find out more about the library
You can use our quickstart repos:
Getting started
Install the library using npm.
Angular version:
npm install survey-angular
jQuery version:
npm install survey-jquery
Knockout version:
npm install survey-knockout
React version:
npm install survey-react
Vue version:
npm install survey-vue
Or use unpkg CDN:
You find all versions/builds in the surveyjs/build repo.
Or dowload a version as zip file from Releases
If you want to import it in another script:
import * as Survey from "survey-jquery";
Building survey.js from sources
To build library yourself:
Clone the repo from GitHub
git clone
cd survey-library
Acquire build dependencies. Make sure you have Node.js installed on your workstation. You need a version of Node.js greater than 6.0.0 and npm greater than 2.7.0. This is only needed to build surveyjs from sources.
npm install -g karma-cli
npm install
Build the library
npm run build_prod
After that you should have the libraries (angular, jquery, knockout, react and vue) at 'packages' directory.
Run samples
npm start
This command will run local http server at the http://localhost:7777
You can open http://localhost:7777/examples/knockout to view KnockoutJS samples, http://localhost:7777/examples/react to view ReactJS samples and so on
Run unit tests
karma start
This command will run unit tests using Karma
WordPress integration
SurveyJS WordPress plugin
MIT license