The fastest way to read AND WRITE from query search params in sveltekit.
This package is meant to be used with Svelte-Kit as the name suggest. Because it uses api that are only present in Svelte-Kit it will not work in your normal svelte project.

Contributions are always welcome!
For the moment there's no code of conduct neither a contributing guideline but if you found a problem or have an idea feel free to open an issue
If you want the fastest way to open a PR try out Codeflow

Install sveltekit-search-params with npm
npm install sveltekit-search-params@latest -D
Once installed in your Svelte-Kit project you need to update your vite.config.ts
or vite.config.js
file to include the plugin exported from sveltekit-search-params/plugin
. It's as simple as
import { sveltekit } from "@sveltejs/kit/vite";
import { ssp } from "sveltekit-search-params/plugin";
const config = {
plugins: [ssp(), sveltekit()],
export default config;
This step it's very important, if you don't use this plugin your entire app will break.
After that you can start using sveltekit-search-params
Simple case (single parameter)
The simplest and most effective way to use this library is by importing the method queryParam
. You can invoke this method with a string that represent the search parameters you are looking for in the URL.
<script lang="ts">
import { queryParam } from "sveltekit-search-params";
const username = queryParam("username");
Your username is {$username}
the function returns a store so make sure to use it with the $
prepended to handle auto-subscriprion. In case there's not a query parameter with the chosen name it will simply be null.
Writing to the store (single parameter)
Reading query parameters is cool but you know what is even cooler? Writing query parameters! With this library you can treat your store just like normal state in svelte. To update the state and conseguentely the url you can just do this
<script lang="ts">
import { queryParam } from "sveltekit-search-params";
const username = queryParam("username");
Your username is {$username}
<input bind:value={$username} />
or if you prefer
<script lang="ts">
import { queryParam } from "sveltekit-search-params";
const username = queryParam("username");
Your username is {$username}
<input value={$username} on:input={(e)=>{
$username =;
}} />
Encoding and decoding
By default query parameters are strings but more often than not tho we are not working with strings. We are dealing with numbers, boolean, arrays and complex abjects. During the creation of the store you can specify an object containing an encode and a decode property that will be used to transform your data from and to the type you need.
<script lang="ts">
import { queryParam } from "sveltekit-search-params";
const count = queryParam("count", {
encode: (value: number) => value.toString(),
decode: (value: string | null) => value ? parseInt(value) : null,
The count is {$count}
<input bind:value={$count} type="number"/>
this time $count would be of type number and the deconding function it's what's used to update the url when you write to the store.
Default values
Sometimes when we want to create a new variable we like to pass a default value. You can do this by passing a third field, defaultValue
, in the second argument of the query param object.
<script lang="ts">
import { queryParam } from "sveltekit-search-params";
const count = queryParam("count", {
encode: (value: number) => value.toString(),
decode: (value: string | null) => value ? parseInt(value) : null,
defaultValue: 10,
The count is {$count}
<input bind:value={$count} type="number"/>
this will make the query parameter change as soon as the page is rendered on the browser (the query parameter will change only if it's not already present and only the first time the application render).
You can't run goto
on the server so if the page is server side rendered it will still have the null value (this is to say don't relay on the assumption that the store will always be not null).
Helpers encodings and decodings
Write an encode and decode function may seem trivial but it's tedious for sure. sveltekit-search-params
provide with a set of helpers for better readability and to avoid the hassle of writing common transforms. You can find those helpers exported in a ssp variable from the same package.
<script lang="ts">
import { ssp, queryParam } from "sveltekit-search-params";
const count = queryParam("count", ssp.number());
The count is {$count}
<input bind:value={$count} type="number"/>
this code will produce the same output as the code written above but far more readable and easier to read. You can find all the exports documented in the section ssp - Helpers.
You can also pass a default value to the function that will be the defaultValue of the object.
<script lang="ts">
import { ssp, queryParam } from "sveltekit-search-params";
const count = queryParam("count", ssp.number(10));
The count is {$count}
<input bind:value={$count} type="number"/>
Simple case (all parameters)
You can use the function queryParameters to get an object containing all the present search params.
<script lang="ts">
import { queryParameters } from "sveltekit-search-params";
const store = queryParameters();
{JSON.stringify($store, null, 2)}
assuming the page is /?framework=svelte&isCool=true
the above code will show
"framework": "svelte",
"isCool": "true"
by default all query parameters are string.
Writing to the store (all parameters)
Just like with the single parameter case you can just update the store and the URL at the same time by doing this
<script lang="ts">
import { queryParameters } from "sveltekit-search-params";
const store = queryParameters();
{JSON.stringify($store, null, 2)}
<input value={$store.username} on:input={(e)=>{
$store.username =;
}} />
writing in the input will update the state and the URL at the same time.
Expecting some parameters
Most of the times if you need to read from query parameters you are expecting some parameters to be present. You can define the parameters you are expecting during the store creating and those will be merged with the actual query parameters despite the fact that they are present or not.
<script lang="ts">
import { queryParameters } from "sveltekit-search-params";
const store = queryParameters({
username: true,
{JSON.stringify($store, null, 2)}
assuming the page is /?framework=svelte&isCool=true
the above code will show
"framework": "svelte",
"isCool": "true",
"username": null
if we add username to the URL like this /?framework=svelte&isCool=true&username=paoloricciuti
we will get
"framework": "svelte",
"isCool": "true",
"username": "paoloricciuti"
Encoding and Decoding
The parameter passed to queryParameters
can aslo be used to specify the encoding and decoding just like the queryParam
<script lang="ts">
import { queryParameters } from "sveltekit-search-params";
const store = queryParameters({
username: true,
isCool: {
encode: (booleanValue) => booleanValue.toString(),
decode: (stringValue) => stringValue !== null && stringValue !== "false",
defautValue: true,
{JSON.stringify($store, null, 2)}
assuming the page is /?framework=svelte&isCool=true&username=paoloricciuti
the above code will show
"framework": "svelte",
"isCool": true,
"username": null
notice that this time isCool it's a boolean and not a string anymore. With this particular transformation we've assured that if the url is the following /?framework=svelte&isCool=false&username=paoloricciuti
or if the isCool parameter is completely missing like this /?framework=svelte&username=paoloricciuti
we will get
"framework": "svelte",
"isCool": false,
"username": null
Helpers encodings and decodings
Obviously also in this case you can use the helpers functions provided inside ssp
<script lang="ts">
import { ssp, queryParameters } from "sveltekit-search-params";
const store = queryParameters({
username: true,
isCool: ssp.boolean(true),
{JSON.stringify($store, null, 2)}
ssp - Helpers
There are six helpers all exported as functions on the object ssp. To each one of them you can pass a parameter that will be the default value for that query param.
To map from a query parameter to an object. An url like this /?obj={"isComplex":%20true,%20"nested":%20{"field":%20"value"}}
will be mapped to
To map from a query parameter to an array. An url like this /?arr=[1,2,3,4]
will be mapped to
To map from a query parameter to a number. An url like this /?num=1
will be mapped to
To map from a query parameter to a boolean. An url like this /?bool=true
will be mapped to
as we've seen an url like this /?bool=false
will be mapped to
just like an url like this /
This is exported mainly for readability since all query parameters are already strings.
To map any JSON serializable state to his lz-string representation. This is a common way to store state in query parameters that will prevent the link to directly show the state.
An url like this /?state=N4IgbghgNgrgpiAXCAsgTwAQGMD2OoYCO8ATpgA4QkQC2cALnCSAL5A
will map to