What is tailwind-variants?
The tailwind-variants npm package is designed to help developers create and manage variants of Tailwind CSS classes more efficiently. It allows for the dynamic generation of class names based on different states, conditions, and themes, making it easier to maintain and scale Tailwind CSS projects.
What are tailwind-variants's main functionalities?
Dynamic Class Generation
This feature allows you to dynamically generate class names based on different variants. In this example, the `button` object can generate classes for different sizes and colors of a button.
const button = tv({ base: 'px-4 py-2 font-bold', variants: { size: { small: 'text-sm', large: 'text-lg' }, color: { primary: 'text-white bg-blue-500', secondary: 'text-gray-700 bg-gray-200' } } });
Conditional Class Application
This feature allows you to apply classes conditionally based on the provided variants. In this example, the `buttonClass` will generate the appropriate class string based on the `size` and `color` variants.
const buttonClass = button({ size: 'large', color: 'primary' }); // 'px-4 py-2 font-bold text-lg text-white bg-blue-500'
Theme Support
This feature allows you to define and apply different themes to your components. In this example, the `themedButton` object can generate classes for light and dark themes.
const themedButton = tv({ base: 'px-4 py-2 font-bold', variants: { theme: { light: 'text-black bg-white', dark: 'text-white bg-black' } } });
Other packages similar to tailwind-variants
clsx is a utility for constructing `className` strings conditionally. It is similar to tailwind-variants in that it helps manage class names dynamically, but it does not provide built-in support for Tailwind CSS variants or themes.
classnames is another utility for conditionally joining class names together. Like clsx, it helps manage class names dynamically but lacks the specific Tailwind CSS variant and theme support provided by tailwind-variants.
twin.macro is a library that allows you to use Tailwind CSS with styled-components or emotion. It provides a way to manage Tailwind CSS classes within JavaScript, but it focuses more on integrating Tailwind with CSS-in-JS solutions rather than managing variants and themes.
The power of Tailwind combined with a first-class variant API.
- Zero runtime
- First-class variant API
- Responsive variants
- Slots support
- Composition support
- Fully typed
- Framework agnostic
- Automatic conflict resolution
For full documentation, visit tailwind-variants.org
Quick Start
- Installation:
To use Tailwind Variants in your project, you can install it as a dependency:
yarn add tailwind-variants
npm i tailwind-variants
- Usage:
import { tv } from 'tailwind-variants';
const button = tv({
base: "font-medium bg-blue-500 text-white rounded-full active:opacity-80",
variants: {
color: {
primary: "bg-blue-500 text-white",
secondary: "bg-purple-500 text-white",
size: {
sm: "text-sm",
md: "text-base",
lg: "px-4 py-3 text-lg",
compoundVariants: [
size: ["sm", "md"],
class: "px-3 py-1",
defaultVariants: {
size: "md",
color: "primary",
return (
<button className={button({ size: 'sm', color: 'secondary' })}>Click me</button>
- Responsive variants configuration (optional): If you want to use responsive variants
you need to add the Tailwind Variants
to your TailwindCSS config file tailwind.config.js
const { withTV } = require('tailwind-variants/transformer')
module.exports = withTV({
content: ["./index.html", "./src/**/*.{js,ts,jsx,tsx}"],
theme: {
extend: {},
plugins: [],
cva (Joe Bell)
This project as started as an extension of Joe's work on cva
– a great tool for generating variants for a single element with Tailwind CSS. Big shoutout to Joe Bell and contributors you guys rock! 🤘 - we recommend to use cva
if don't need if don't need any of the Tailwind Variants features listed here.
Stitches (Modulz)
The pioneers of the variants
API movement. Inmense thanks to Modulz for their work on Stitches and the community around it. 🙏
We're excited to see the community adopt NextUI, raise issues, and provide feedback. Whether it's a feature request, bug report, or a project to showcase, please get involved!
Contributions are always welcome!
Please follow our contributing guidelines.
Please adhere to this project's CODE_OF_CONDUCT.
Licensed under the MIT License.
See LICENSE for more information.