
the-traveler is a small npm package which wraps around the Destiny 2 API. It uses Promises for a modern workflow in your application.
Table of Contents
Getting Started
npm install the-traveler
# or
yarn add the-traveler
To use this package you will need to obtain an API access key from the developer website. Please visit to obtain your access token.
After obtaining your access token you are ready for using the Destiny 2 API in your next awesome project.
import Traveler from 'the-traveler';
import { ComponentType } from 'the-traveler/build/enums';
const traveler = new Traveler({
apikey: 'pasteYourAPIkey',
userAgent: 'yourUserAgent', //used to identify your request to the API
If you want to use this package inside a ES5 project you can import it like so:
var Traveler = require('the-traveler').default;
const Enums = require('the-traveler/build/enums')
const traveler = new Traveler({
apikey: 'yourAPIkey',
userAgent: 'yourUserAgent' //used to identify your request to the API
//Access the enums (example componentType profiles)
var profilesType = Enums.ComponentType.Profiles;
If you want to show the URLs the API wrapper is requesting, just add debug: true
to the configuration array when instantiate a Traveler
const traveler = new Traveler({
apikey: 'pasteYourAPIkey',
userAgent: 'yourUserAgent', //used to identify your request to the API
debug: true
If you want to use OAuth to get access to endpoints which require user approval provide the Traveler
object with your OAuth clientId
and if you are using a confidential client type additionally the clientSecret
import Traveler from 'the-traveler';
const traveler = new Traveler({
apikey: 'pasteYourAPIkey',
userAgent: 'yourUserAgent', //used to identify your request to the API
oauthClientId: 'yourClientId',
oauthClientSecret: 'yourClientSecret',
Please ensure that you specified a redirectURL
in your application settings on
After you have done that, you can generate the authentication URL which has to be visited by your users to approve your application. The URL is constructed with the following schema:{yourClientID}&response_type=code
const authUrl = traveler.generateOAuthURL(); // The URL your users have to visit to give your application access
If a user visit this site and approve your application he/she will be redirected to the redirectURL
you specified. This URL is expaned with query parameter called code
This is the code you need to obtain the OAuth Access token with the getAccessToken()
traveler.getAccessToken(hereComesTheCode).then(oauth => {
// Provide your traveler object with the oauth object. This is later used for making authenticated calls
traveler.oauth = oauth;
}).catch(err => {
The OAuth response schema is depended on the client type you are using. With a public
type the response does not contain a refresh_token
. This means that a user has to authenticate everytime again after the OAuth access token has expired.
{ access_token: '',
token_type: 'Bearer',
expires_in: 3600,
membership_id: ''}
If you are using a confidential
client type the response will contain a refresh_token
which can be used to get a new access_token
without requiring the user to approve your app again. Use this refresh_token
to prevent you from getting errors if the access_token
has expired. In the following you can see such a response with the method to renew the token.
{ access_token: '',
token_type: 'Bearer',
expires_in: 3600,
refresh_token: ',
refresh_expires_in: 7776000,
membership_id: '' }
Use refresh:
traveler.refreshToken(traveler.oauth.refresh_token).then(oauth => { // take the refresh token from the oauth object you provided when initialize the oauth to the traveler
// Provide your traveler object with the oauth object. This is later used for making authenticated calls
traveler.oauth = oauth;
}).catch(err => {
So the refresh procedure has to be initiated manually, there is no automatic refresh implemented.
To wrap this up, the flow is the following:
- Provide
and clientSecret (only for confidential)
- Generate
and redirect users to it - Grab the
parameter from your redirectURL
- Use
to get the OAuth object
and apply it to the Traveler object
- FOR Public Reauthenticate your users after the access token has expired. They have to visit the
authorization url
again - FOR Confidential Use
to renew the accessToken
, without user interaction by traveler.refreshToken()
- After the oauth object is set on the traveler object you can query the endpoints which require authentiation
- Keep in mind that it would be very useful to store the tokens for your users securely!
Typescript Support
The npm package comes with d.ts
files to allow autocompletion and type checking if you are using the-traveler
within Typescript.

There are some other noteworthy information which could help to resolve some issues with the Destiny 2 API.
Typical Response
The response object from the API is always constructed like the following snippet indicates. The Response
will contain the actual request data, while ErrorCode
, ThrottleSeconds
, ErrorStatus
, Message
and MessageData
will hold additional data about the sucess of our request.
{ Response: Array or Object,
ErrorCode: 1,
ThrottleSeconds: 0,
ErrorStatus: 'Success',
Message: 'Ok',
MessageData: {} }
Some information in the Destiny API is privacy protected. If the user set the pricacy settings, and you do not use oauth for those users, it is not possible to obtain specific information through the API. The different pricacy indicators are the following:
- None: 0
- Public: 1
- Private: 2
Search for an Destiny Account on PSN
.searchDestinyPlayer('2', 'playername')
.then(player => {
}).catch(err => {
//do something with the error
{ Response:
[ { iconPath: '/img/theme/destiny/icons/icon_psn.png',
membershipType: 2,
membershipId: '4611686018433838874',
displayName: 'Playername' } ],
ErrorCode: 1,
ThrottleSeconds: 0,
ErrorStatus: 'Success',
Message: 'Ok',
Get a character for an PSN Account
Here all character specific components are queried. You can either use normal strings or use the integrated enums.
import Traveler from 'the-traveler';
import {ComponentType} from 'the-traveler/build/enums'
const traveler = new Traveler({
apikey: 'pasteYourAPIkey',
userAgent: 'yourUserAgent' //used to identify your request to the API
traveler.getCharacter('2', '4611686018452033461', '2305843009265042115', { components: ['200', '201', '202', '203', '204', '205'] }).then(result => {
}).catch(err => {
// OR
traveler.getCharacter('2', '4611686018452033461', '2305843009265042115', {
}).then(result => {
}).catch(err => {
Response (First level):
{ Response:
{ inventory: { privacy: 2 },
character: { data: [Object], privacy: 1 },
progressions: { privacy: 2 },
renderData: { data: [Object], privacy: 1 },
activities: { privacy: 2 },
equipment: { data: [Object], privacy: 1 },
itemComponents: {} },
ErrorCode: 1,
ThrottleSeconds: 0,
ErrorStatus: 'Success',
Message: 'Ok',
MessageData: {} }
Transfer item from vault to character (needs OAuth)
has to be set before calling this method
itemReferenceHash: '2907129556',
stackSize: 1,
transferToVault: false,
itemId: '6917529033189743362',
characterId: 'yourCharacterId',
membershipType: BungieMembershipType.PSN // BungieMembershipType.PSN in ES5
.then(result => {
.catch(err => {
Async await approach (pseudo-code)
Just a thought about using async
and await
async () => {
const traveler = new Traveler({
apikey: 'pasteYourAPIkey',
userAgent: 'yourUserAgent', //used to identify your request to the API
oauthClientId: 'yourClientId',
oauthClientSecret: 'yourClientSecret',
traveler.oauth = await traveler.getAccessToken(accessCode);
// OR
traveler.oauth = await traveler.refreshToken(refreshToken);
// now do your calls
To use the manifest you first have to download it via 'traveler.downloadManifest(manifestUrl, filename)'. Be aware that you have to install node-sqlite3 to use the manifest class
The manifestUrl
can be every URL contained in the response of traveler.getManifest()
This method will download the specified manifest, unzip it and save it as filename
. Afterwards you are able to create a new instance of the Manifest
class. With this it is possible to query the saved file with valid sqlite queries. A good hint for querying is noted in the Gist from @vpzed. The result is retrieved asynchronously which makes it possible to integrate it with the async
common way
import Traveler from 'the-traveler';
import Manifest from 'the-traveler/build/Manifest'
traveler.getDestinyManifest().then(result => {
traveler.downloadManifest(result.Response.mobileWorldContentPaths.en, './manifest.content').then(filepath => {
const manifest = new Manifest(filepath);
manifest.queryManifest('SELECT name FROM sqlite_master WHERE type="table"').then(queryResult => {
}).catch(err => {
}).catch(err => {
async way
import Traveler from 'the-traveler';
import Manifest from 'the-traveler/build/Manifest'
async ()=> {
const result = await traveler.getDestinyManifest();
const filepath = await traveler.downloadManifest(result.Response.mobileWorldContentPaths.en, './manifest.content');
const manifest = new Manifest(filepath);
const queryResult = await manifest.queryManifest('SELECT name FROM sqlite_master WHERE type="table"')
Please visit the official documentation for the API to check if the endpoints are working or if they are still in preview. If you find endpoints in preview, please keep in mind that errors can occur quite often. If the endpoints get finalized also this package will adopt changes and test the functionalities.
Endpoint | Implemented | Unlocked in API |
Destiny2.GetDestinyManifest |  |  |
Destiny2.GetDestinyEntityDefinition |  |  |
Destiny2.SearchDestinyPlayer |  |  |
Destiny2.GetProfile |  |  |
Destiny2.GetCharacter |  |  |
Destiny2.GetClanWeeklyRewardState |  |  |
Destiny2.GetItem |  |  |
Destiny2.GetVendors |  |  |
Destiny2.GetVendor |  |  |
Destiny2.TransferItem |  |  |
Destiny2.PullFromPostmaster |  |  |
Destiny2.EquipItem |  |  |
Destiny2.EquipItems |  |  |
Destiny2.SetItemLockState |  |  |
Destiny2.InsertSocketPlug |  |  |
Destiny2.ActivateTalentNode |  |  |
Destiny2.GetPostGameCarnageReport |  |  |
Destiny2.ReportOffensivePostGameCarnageReportPlayer |  |  |
Destiny2.GetHistoricalStatsDefinition |  |  |
Destiny2.GetClanLeaderboards |  |  |
Destiny2.GetClanAggregateStats |  |  |
Destiny2.GetLeaderboards |  |  |
Destiny2.GetLeaderboardsForCharacter |  |  |
Destiny2.SearchDestinyEntities |  |  |
Destiny2.GetHistoricalStats |  |  |
Destiny2.GetHistoricalStatsForAccount |  |  |
Destiny2.GetActivityHistory |  |  |
Destiny2.GetUniqueWeaponHistory |  |  |
Destiny2.GetDestinyAggregateActivityStats |  |  |
Destiny2.GetPublicMilestoneContent |  |  |
Destiny2.GetPublicMilestones |  |  |
Built With
- request-promise-native - Request package
- Typescript - Programming Language
- node-stream-zip - Unzipping files in node (for Manifest interaction) Note: Maybe this will end up in a peer depdendency in a future release since it adds overhead to the package if you do not want to use the Manifest flow
- node-sqlite3 - Use sqlite 3 in node (for Manifest interaction as a peer dependency)
the-traveler uses SemVer for versioning. For the versions available, see the tags on this repository.
Do you have any issues or recommendations for this package ? Feel free to open an issue in the issue section :)
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the file for details
the-traveler package isn't endorsed by Bunge and doesn't reflect the views or opinions of Bungies or anyone officially involved in producing or managing Destiny 2. Destiny 2 and Bungie are trademarks or registered trademarks of Bungie, Inc. Destiny 2 © Bungie.