Automated Browser Timeline Analyser
Uses chromedriver to load a webpage a number of times and aggregates performance metrics from Chrome's devtools timelines.
From the command line:
$ timeliner http://example.com
# outputs
│ metric │ mean │ min │ max │
│ render │ 0.166 │ 0.147 │ 0.209 │
│ domcontentloaded │ 0.166 │ 0.147 │ 0.209 │
│ load │ 0.119 │ 0.102 │ 0.163 │
# analyse scrolling performance on a long webpage
$ timeliner http://buzzfeed.com --reporter fps --sleep 5000
From code:
const timeliner = require('timeliner');
timeliner({ url: 'http://google.com' })
.then((results) => {
The reporter step can be omitted to provide the raw timeline logs to analyse as you require.
All options can be passed as flags in the command line, or as arguments in code unless otherwise specified.
Required - set the page url to be loaded
set the number of times to load the page before aggregating results - Default 5
CLI only - set the reporter to be used to output results - supported values: table
(default), basic
, fps
, json
if set, injects a script into the page which binds a vertical scroll to window.requestAnimationFrame
making the page scroll continuously, recommended if using fps
reporter - Default false
set how long (in ms) after the page completes loading to continue recording metrics - Default 0
sets the url of the webdriver remote server to use - Default http://localhost:9515
(note: default webdriver is started automatically)