ts-case-convert converts objects between camelCase and snake_case while preserving Typescript type information, code completion, and type validation. See tests for detailed conversion tests, including
const camel = objectToCamel({
hello_world: 'helloWorld',
a_number: 5,
an_array: [1, 2, 4],
null_object: null,
undef_object: undefined,
an_array_of_objects: [{ a_b: 'ab', a_c: 'ac' }],
an_object: {
a_1: 'a1',
a_2: 'a2',
type CheckCamel = typeof camel.anArrayOfObjects[0]['aB'];
const ab: CheckCamel = camel.anArrayOfObjects[0]['aB'];
const snake = objectToSnake({
helloWorld: 'helloWorld',
aNumber: 5,
anArray: [1, 2, 4],
nullObject: null,
undefObject: undefined,
anArrayOfObjects: [{ aB: 'ab', aC: 'ac' }],
anObject: {
A1: 'a_1',
A2: 'a_2',
type CheckSnake = typeof snake.anArrayOfObjects[0]['a_b'];
const ab: CheckSnake = snake.anArrayOfObjects[0]['a_b'];
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