Tiny library (<1Kb gzipped) for algebraic sum types that looks similar to swift enums. Inspired by unionize and F# discriminated-unions
npm add ts-union
NOTE: uses features from typescript 2.8
import { Union, t } from 'ts-union';
const PaymentMethod = Union({
Cash: t(),
Check: t<CheckNumber>(),
CreditCard: t<CardType, CardNumber>()
type CheckNumber = number;
type CardType = 'MasterCard' | 'Visa';
type CardNumber = string;
Type constructors
const cash = PaymentMethod.Cash();
const check = PaymentMethod.Check(15566909);
const card = PaymentMethod.CreditCard('Visa', '1111-566-...');
const { Cash, Check, CreditCard } = PaymentMethod;
const anotherCheck = Check(566541123);
const str = PaymentMethod.match(cash, {
Cash: () => 'cash',
Check: n => `check num: ${n.toString()}`,
CreditCard: (type, n) => `${type} ${n}`
Also supports deferred (curried) matching and default case.
const toStr = PaymentMethod.match({
Cash: () => 'cash',
default: _v => 'not cash'
const str = toStr(card);
if (aka simplified match)
const str = PaymentMethod.if.Cash(cash, () => 'cash');
You can provide else case as well. In that case 'undefined' type will be removed.
const str = PaymentMethod.if.Check(
n => `check num: ${n.toString()}`,
_v => 'not check'
Type of resulted objects
At the moment types of cash, check, card are opaque.
type CashType = typeof cash;
The OpaqueUnion<...> type for PaymentMethod is accessible via T phantom property
type PaymentMethodType = typeof PaymentMethod.T;
Api and implementation details
If you will try to log the value for check you will see an array.
All values are arrays. The first element is the key to match against and the rest is payload. I decided not to expose that through typings but I might reconsider that in the future. Although you cannot use it for redux action you can safely use it for redux state.
How to define shape
const U = Union({
Simple: t(),
One: t<string>(),
Const: t(3),
Two: t<string, number>(),
Three: t<string, number, boolean>()
Let's take a closer look at t
export declare type Types = {
(): NoData;
<T>(): One<T>;
<T>(val: T): Const<T>;
<T1, T2>(): Two<T1, T2>;
<T1, T2, T3>(): Three<T1, T2, T3>;
export declare const t: Types;
the actual implementation is pretty simple:
export const t: Types = ((val: any) => val) as any;
We just capture the constant and don't really care about the rest. Typescript will guide us to provide proper number of args for each case.
match accepts either a full set of props or a subset with default case.
export type MatchFunc<Record> = {
<Result>(cases: MatchCases<Record, Result>): (
val: OpaqueUnion<Record>
) => Result;
<Result>(val: OpaqueUnion<Record>, cases: MatchCases<Record, Result>): Result;
if either accepts a function that will be invoked (with a match) and/or else case.
<R>(val: OpaqueUnion<Rec>, f: (a: A) => R): R | undefined;
<R>(val: OpaqueUnion<Rec>, f: (a: A) => R, els: (v: OpaqueUnion<Rec>) => R): R;