A compiler as a service api enabling nodejs developers to programatically resolve, compile, reflect and run typescript 0.9 source files in memory.
The following will register the *.ts extension with require(). When calls to require() are made
to *.ts files, any source resolution and/or compilation errors will be written out to the console
by default.
If resolution or compilation errors do exist, the call to require() will return an empty object.
### manual compilation
The following is an example of using the api to compile a source file named 'program.ts'.
The process will first resolve 'program.ts' and all its referenced sources files. The resolved
sources array (resolved) are then checked prior to being sent to the compiler for compilation. Once compiled,
the compilation is checked again for problems prior to being run.
var tsapi = require("typescript.api");
function show_diagnostics (units) {
for(var n in units) {
for(var m in units[n].diagnostics) {
console.log( units[n].diagnostics[m].toString() );
tsapi.resolve(['./program.ts'], function(resolved) {
if(!tsapi.check(resolved)) {
else {
tsapi.compile(resolved, function(compiled) {
if(!tsapi.check(compiled)) {
show_diagnostics (compiled);
tsapi.run(compiled, null, function(context) {
### declarations
It is important to note that the typescript.api does not automatically reference any declarations (such as lib.d.ts) for compilation.
Because of this, you will need to reference the appropriate *.d.ts required by your application for compilation. This is unlike the
tsc command line compiler which will, by default reference the lib.d.ts declaration if not stated otherwise. (see --noLib option).
In the context of nodejs, the dom declarations declared in lib.d.ts are unnessasary and dramatically slow compilation times. The
typescript.api splits these declarations out to provide suitable environment declarations that you can reference in your project.
The typescript.api comes bundled with following declarations:
It is recommended that developers copy the appropriate declarations suitable for their environment into their project structure and
reference them accordingly.
### source unit
The typescript.api accepts source units for compilation. A source unit consists of the following properties:
sourceUnit = {
path : string,
content : string,
remote : boolean,
references : Function
diagnostics : [object],
### reset (options)
Resets the compiler. Optionally allows the caller to set compiler options.
var tsapi = require("typescript.api")
Additionally, It is possible to specify reset with the following options.
var tsapi = require("typescript.api")
languageVersion : "EcmaScript5",
moduleGenTarget : "Synchronous",
removeComments : true,
generateDeclarationFiles : false,
mapSourceFiles : false
### resolve (sources, callback)
The typescript.api resolve function will resolve source units needed for compilation and return them
in order of dependancy, it does this by scanning each files reference element.
special note: the resolve method will be unable to resolve source units if your code contains circular
references. for example, if file0.ts references file1.ts, and file1.ts references file0.ts, then this would
be considered a circular reference. in these instances, the resolve() method will return the source units
found in order of discovery, and no additional dependency resolution will occur.
- sources - A filename, or a array of filenames to resolve.
- callback(units) - A callback which passes the resolved source units.
The following will resolve 'program.ts' and log each referenced source file to
the console.
var tsapi = require("typescript.api");
tsapi.resolve(["program.ts"], function(resolved) {
for(var n in resolved) {
console.log( resolved[n].path );
console.log( resolved[n].content );
for(var m in resolved[n].references) {
console.log( resolved[n].references[m] )
### check (units)
A utility method to check for errors in either resolved or compiled units.
- units - units to be checked.
- returns - true if ok.
The following example will check if both a resolve() and compile() is successful.
var tsapi = require("typescript.api");
tsapi.resolve(["program.ts"], function(resolved) {
if( tsapi.check (resolved)) {
tsapi.compile(resolved, function(compiled) {
if( tsapi.check (compiled) ) {
tsapi.run(compiled, null, function(context) {
### create ( filename, code )
Creates a source unit from a string.
- filename - A filename that other units may reference.
- code - The source code for this unit.
The following will create a unit. and send to the compiler for compilation.
The compilation is then run.
var tsapi = require("typescript.api");
var sourceUnit = tsapi.create("temp.ts", "export var message = 'hello world'");
tsapi.compile([sourceUnit], function(compiled) {
tsapi.run(compiled, null, function(context) {
### compile ( units, callback )
compiles source units.
- units - An array of source units.
- callback - A callback that passed the compiled output.
The following will first create and compile a unit, and compiled source is
written to the console.
var tsapi = require("typescript.api");
var sourceUnit = tsapi.create("temp.ts", "var value:number = 123;");
tsapi.compile([sourceUnit], function(compiled) {
for(var n in compiled) {
### run ( compiledUnits, sandbox, callback )
executes compiled units within a nodejs vm and returns a context containing exported members.
- compiledUnits - compiled source units - (obtained from a call to compile)
- sandbox - A sandbox. pass null to inherit the current sandbox. code in executed in nodejs vm.
- callback - A callback that passes a context containing any exported variables and function.
The following will first create and compile a unit, then send it off
for compilation.
var tsapi = require("typescript.api");
var sourceUnit = tsapi.create("temp.ts", "export var value:number = 123")
tsapi.compile([sourceUnit], function(compiled) {
tsapi.run(compiled, null, function(context) {
### sort ( units )
Will attempt to sort source units in order of dependency. If cyclic referencing
occurs, the sort will return the units in order in which they are received.
- units - An array of source units to be sorted.
- returns - the sorted units in order of dependency.
The following will create a series of source units which reference each other
as in the following graph. The units are first randomized and then sorted. The
resulting sort will be the order of a, b, c, d, e, f.
function shuffle(o) {
for(var j, x, i = o.length; i; j = parseInt(Math.random() * i), x = o[--i], o[i] = o[j], o[j] = x);
return o;
var tsapi = require("typescript.api")
var units = [
tsapi.create("a.ts", ""),
tsapi.create("b.ts", "/// <reference path='a.ts' />"),
tsapi.create("c.ts", "/// <reference path='a.ts' />"),
tsapi.create("d.ts", "/// <reference path='b.ts' />"),
tsapi.create("e.ts", "/// <reference path='b.ts' />\n/// <reference path='c.ts' />\n"),
tsapi.create("f.ts", "/// <reference path='c.ts' />"),
units = shuffle(units);
units = tsapi.sort(units);
for (var n in units) {