#Unifile, unified access to cloud storage services.

Express middleware to provide web services for accessing cloud storage services with a common API.
Currently supported services
- Dropbox
- local web server
- see instructions bellow to add a service
GET /api/v1.0/dropbox/exec/ls/path/to/folder/ list a directory of the loggedin user
In 2013, team has developed the v2 of Silex, free and open source website builder for designers. Since Silex is a web app, running in the browser, we faced a choice: either we make people download and install Silex, or we host it in the cloud. But Silex Labs non profit organization can not afford paying hosting for our users.
So we have decided that Silex would edit the user's files on the user's Dropbox. It is not acceptable for a free project to force people to store their data on a service such as Dropbox, so we decided to make it an option. We have added the ability for Silex to edit files on the server on which it is installed. And then other services came to our minds.
We hope that other communities will benefit this way to use their cloud services before they install the web app locally.
#How to install
With node installed (download), install unifile in your project (the -save
option will add the latest version of unifile to your package.json file)
$ npm install unifile -save
Then write a small node.js server like this and name it server.js
// node modules
var unifile = require('unifile');
var express = require('express');
var app = express();
// config
var options = unifile.defaultConfig;
// use unifile as a middleware
app.use(unifile.middleware(express, app, options));
// server 'loop'
app.listen(6805); // 6805 is the date of sexual revolution started in paris france 8-)
Save this as server.js
and start it with
$ node server.js
Then start making calls with wget or your browser. For example...
... will list the available services:
"name": "dropbox",
"display_name": "Dropbox",
"description": "Access files from your Dropbox.",
"isLoggedIn": true,
"isConnected": true,
"user": {
"display_name": "Alex Hoyau",
"quota_info": {
"available": 5234491392,
"used": 4528634951
"name": "ftp",
"display_name": "FTP",
"description": "Access files through FTP.",
"isLoggedIn": false,
"isConnected": false
"user": {
"display_name": "test",
"name": "www",
"display_name": "Web server",
"description": "Access files on the server where unifile is running.",
"isLoggedIn": false,
"isConnected": false
"user": {
"display_name": "admin",
Let's take the example of the Dropbox service
Connect to the service
Basic login and such
GET /api/v1.0/dropbox/connect/ returns an URL, which you will open and authorize unifile to access the service (this is an oauth2 authorization mechanism)
GET /api/v1.0/dropbox/login/ now your have access to the service
GET /api/v1.0/dropbox/account/ Get your account info, with your display_name at least
GET /api/v1.0/dropbox/logout/ Log out from the service (connect and login will be required)
Execute commands
GET /api/v1.0/dropbox/exec/ls/path/to/folder/ list a directory
GET /api/v1.0/dropbox/exec/rm/path/to/folder-or-file/ remove a file or directory
GET /api/v1.0/dropbox/exec/mkdir/path/to/folder/ create a directory
GET /api/v1.0/dropbox/exec/cp/path/to/src/:/path/to/dst/ copy a file or directory
GET /api/v1.0/dropbox/exec/mv/path/to/src/:/path/to/dst/ move (rename) a file or directory
GET /api/v1.0/dropbox/exec/get/path/to/file.txt access a file
GET /api/v1.0/dropbox/exec/put/path/to/file.txt:{string} write data to a file
POST /api/v1.0/dropbox/exec/put/path/to/file.txt write data to a file
license: GPL v2
#Developer guide
Here is how to contribute
##Add a service
The services in unifile are cloud storage services, e.g. Dropbox and google drive.
Each service is a Node.js class implementing a given set of functions, e.g. ls, rm, cp...
If you wish to add a service,
- add your .js file in lib/services/ (duplicate the lib/services/dropbox.js file in order to have all the required methods)
- edit core/router.js to make your service reachable
- if you use an external node.js library, add the dependency in package.json
Here is a list of services which could be useful
- Box, SkyDrive, RapidShare, CloudMine, FilesAnywhere
- Amazon S3 and WebDav
- SugarSync
- Google drive if not too slow
- Facebook if possibe?
##Notes / roadmap
unifile archi, tests and readme
to do
- unit tests for get/put/cat
- pagination for ls commands?
- security: make the "allowCrossDomain" function look for the api key and det if the domain is allowed
- best practices for the api
- mimic unix commands : /v1.0/gdrive/exec/?cmd="cd /example1/test/ ; cp img1.jpg img2.jpg ; ls"
- add a new service