Crude discovery of vanity public keys that start with the specified text (case-insensitive). Four character vanity keys are easy to discover in less than a minute. Every additional character adds an exponential level of complexity.
npx vanityssb [string]

After a key is found the result files must be deleted before another key search: rm -f done.txt key*
Usage: vanityssb <string>
If no string is specified then $USER is used. The time to find a key grows exponentially with every character added to length of string. The program exits almost immediately when passed a single character. Within seconds when run as 'root' and takes multiple days when run with a 7 character string 'gardner'.
This design was the easiest to implement. No regard for optimization has been considered. Using the same npm lib as the system, we are guaranteed compatibility. After preliminary research into generating ed25519 by other means it was determined that verifying compatibility would be as complex as implementing this design. (X2)
Scaleway Paris C2M
tick[55]: avg[46981] ~ kps[47484] = secs[165] / tested[7840k]
Running on an Intel i7-4870HQ CPU @ 2.50GHz
tick[135]: avg[72055] ~ kps[69089] = secs[405] / tested[28010k]
Vultr Dallas Debian
tick[49]: avg[187844] ~ kps[189903] = secs[147] / tested[27970k]
Tests were conducted with node v6