IMA SDK Plugin for Video.js

The IMA SDK Plugin for Video.js provides a quick and easy IMA SDK integration
for the Video.js player.
To see the plugin in action, check out our
- Easily integrate the Google IMA SDK into Video.js to enable advertising on
your video content.
- Your favorite text editor
- A JavaScript enabled browser
Getting started
ES6 Imports
The easiest way to get started is by using npm.
npm install videojs-ima
Your index.html should contain the video.js stylesheet (not included in the npm module),
a video player to be used for playback, and script tags for the IMA SDK and your own
javascript file.
<link href="path/to/video-js.css" rel="stylesheet">
<video id='content-player' class="video-js">
<p class='vjs-no-js'>
To view this video, please enable JavaScript and consider upgrading to a web browser that
<a href='' target='_blank'>supports HTML5 video</a>
<script src="//"></script>
<script src="player.js"></script>
Three imports are required to use the videojs-ima module, as seen in the player.js example below.
import videojs from 'video.js';
import 'videojs-contrib-ads';
import 'videojs-ima';
var videoOptions = {
controls: true,
sources: [{
var player = videojs('content_video', videoOptions);
var imaOptions = {
adTagUrl: 'YOUR_AD_TAG'
Alternative Setup
If you don't use npm, you can download the source from the dist/ folder and
include it directly in your project. You'll also need to download the source for
the videojs-contrib-ads plugin.
In your index.html file, create a new video.js player and load a (currently
empty) javascript file:
<link href="path/to/video-js.css" rel="stylesheet">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="path/to/videojs-contrib-ads.css" />
<link rel="stylesheet" href="path/to/videojs.ima.css" />
<video id="content_video" class="video-js vjs-default-skin"
controls preload="auto" width="YOUR_VIDEO_WIDTH" height="YOUR_VIDEO_HEIGHT">
<script src="/path/to/video.js"></script>
<script src="//"></script>
<script src="/path/to/videojs-contrib-ads.js"></script>
<script src="/path/to/videojs.ima.js"></script>
<script src="player.js"></script>
In player.js, load the ads library and set up the IMA plugin:
var player = videojs('content_video');
var options = {
adTagUrl: 'YOUR_AD_TAG'
That's all there is to it!
Check out the snippet above in-action on CodePen.
Additional settings
The plugin accepts additional settings beyond the two required settings shown in
the previous snippet. A summary of all settings follows:
Settings | Type | Description |
adTagUrl | string | A URL which returns a VAST, VMAP or ad rules,response. This will override adsResponse. |
adsResponse | string | The VAST, VMAP, or ad rules response to use,in lieu of fetching one an ad tag. This is overridden if adTagUrl is set. |
adsRequest | object | JSON object with ads request properties defined in the IMA SDK Docs(2). Properties set here that can also be provided elsewhere (e.g. adTagUrl) will override those other settings. |
adLabel | string | Replaces the "Advertisement" text in the ad label. Added for multilingual UI support. |
adLabelNofN | string | Replaces the "of" text in the ad label (e.g. ... (1 of 2) ...). Added for multilingual UI support. |
adsRenderingSettings | object | JSON object with ads rendering settings as defined in the IMA SDK Docs(1). |
autoPlayAdBreaks | boolean | Whether or not to automatically play VMAP or ad rules ad breaks. Defaults,to true. |
deprecated adWillPlayMuted | boolean | Notifies the SDK whether the player intends to start ad while muted. Changing this setting will have no impact on ad playback. Defaults,to false. |
contribAdsSettings | object | Additional settings to be passed to the contrib-ads plugin(3), used by,this IMA plugin. |
debug | boolean | True to load the debug version of the plugin, false to load the non-debug version.,Defaults to false. |
disableFlashAds | boolean | True to disable Flash ads - Flash ads will be considered an unsupported ad type. Defaults to false. |
disableCustomPlaybackForIOS10Plus | boolean | Sets whether to disable custom playback on iOS 10+ browsers. If true, ads will play inline if the content video is inline. Defaults to false. |
forceNonLinearFullSlot | boolean | True to force non-linear AdSense ads to render as linear fullslot.,If set, the content video will be paused and the non-linear text or image ad will be rendered as,fullslot. The content video will resume once the ad has been skipped or closed. |
id | string | DEPRECATED as of v.1.5.0, no longer used or required. |
locale | string | Locale for ad localization. The supported locale codes can be found in Localizing for Language and Locale |
nonLinearWidth | number | Desired width of non-linear ads. Defaults to player width. |
nonLinearHeight | number | Desired height for non-linear ads. Defaults to 1/3 player height. |
numRedirects | number | Maximum number of VAST redirects before the subsequent redirects will be denied,,and the ad load aborted. The number of redirects directly affects latency and thus user experience.,This applies to all VAST wrapper ads. |
showControlsForJSAds | boolean | Whether or not to show the control bar for VPAID JavaScript ads. Defaults to true. |
showCountdown | boolean | Whether or not to show the ad countdown timer. Defaults to true. |
vastLoadTimeout | number | Override for default VAST load timeout in milliseconds for a single wrapper. The default timeout is 5000ms. |
vpaidAllowed | boolean | DEPRECATED, please use vpaidMode. |
vpaidMode | VpaidMode(5) | VPAID Mode. Defaults to ENABLED. This setting,overrides vpaidAllowed. |
(1) IMA SDK Docs
(2) IMA SDK Docs
(3) contrib-ads plugin
(4) Valid locale codes
(5) google.ima.ImaSdkSettings.VpaidMode
In some circumstances you may want to prevent the SDK from playing ad breaks
until you're ready for them. In this scenario, you can disable automatic
playback of ad breaks in favor of letting the SDK know when you're ready for an
ad break to play. To do so:
- Set
to false in the initial options. - Provide an ad break ready listener via
. - Call
in your ad break ready listener when
you're ready to play the ads.
Where do I report issues?
Please report issues on the issues page.
Terms of Service
The IMA SDK plugin for Video.js uses the IMA SDK, and as such is subject to the
IMA SDK Terms of Service.
How do I contribute?
See for details.