What is vscode-html-languageservice?
The vscode-html-languageservice npm package provides a set of tools and services for working with HTML in Visual Studio Code extensions. It offers functionalities such as HTML validation, completion, hover information, and more, making it easier to build and enhance HTML editing capabilities in VS Code.
What are vscode-html-languageservice's main functionalities?
HTML Validation
This feature allows you to validate HTML documents and get a list of diagnostics (errors, warnings, etc.). The code sample demonstrates how to create a document and use the HTML language service to perform validation.
const { getLanguageService } = require('vscode-html-languageservice');
const htmlLanguageService = getLanguageService();
const document = { uri: 'test://test/test.html', languageId: 'html', version: 1, getText: () => '<div></div>' };
const diagnostics = htmlLanguageService.doValidation(document);
HTML Completion
This feature provides auto-completion suggestions for HTML documents. The code sample shows how to get completion items at a specific position in the document.
const { getLanguageService } = require('vscode-html-languageservice');
const htmlLanguageService = getLanguageService();
const document = { uri: 'test://test/test.html', languageId: 'html', version: 1, getText: () => '<div></div>' };
const position = { line: 0, character: 5 };
const completions = htmlLanguageService.doComplete(document, position);
HTML Hover Information
This feature provides hover information for HTML elements. The code sample demonstrates how to get hover information at a specific position in the document.
const { getLanguageService } = require('vscode-html-languageservice');
const htmlLanguageService = getLanguageService();
const document = { uri: 'test://test/test.html', languageId: 'html', version: 1, getText: () => '<div></div>' };
const position = { line: 0, character: 5 };
const hover = htmlLanguageService.doHover(document, position);
Other packages similar to vscode-html-languageservice
The vscode-css-languageservice package provides similar functionalities but for CSS. It offers CSS validation, completion, and hover information, making it useful for enhancing CSS editing capabilities in VS Code.
The vscode-json-languageservice package provides language services for JSON, including validation, completion, and hover information. It is similar to vscode-html-languageservice but tailored for JSON documents.
The vscode-languageserver package provides a framework for implementing language servers in VS Code. It can be used to create language services for various programming languages, offering a broader scope compared to the HTML-specific services of vscode-html-languageservice.
HTML language service extracted from VSCode to be reused, e.g in the Monaco editor.
The vscode-html-languageservice contains the language smarts behind the HTML editing experience of Visual Studio Code
and the Monaco editor.
- doComplete provides completion proposals for a given location.
- findDocumentHighlights provides the highlighted symbols for a given position
- format formats the code at the given range.
- findDocumentLinks finds all links in the document
- findDocumentSymbols finds all the symbols in the document
npm install --save vscode-html-languageservice