Use this.$notify(message)
to throw a snackbar notification from anywhere in your Vue app!
Note: this plugin requires that you have the Material Design Lite stylesheet and script in your application.
To Use
Copy and paste this snippet into your application (hint: I made it a Snackbar.vue component)
<div id="snackbar-notification" class="mdl-js-snackbar mdl-snackbar">
<div class="mdl-snackbar__text"></div>
<button class="mdl-snackbar__action" type="button"></button>
Import VueSnackbar into your main.js file
import VueSnackbar from 'vue-mdl-snackbar'
Install the plugin by running the following in your main.js:
Vue.use(VueSnackbar, '#snackbar-notification')
Run the following on any component to push a snackbar notification