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Simple calendar event control

  • 1.8.0-beta.2
  • Source
  • npm
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This is a calendar component for Vue.

There are other Vue calendar components, but they were either focused on date-picking, or the events (such as clicking an event or a date) were too tightly bound to specific views (such as linking to an agenda). The closest I probably found was FullCalendar, but it had too many features.

My use case is far simpler--I just wanted a traditional month-grid calendar, with events listed (including multi-day events), that would raise events when the calendar month is changed or the user clicks/taps a date or event.

PRs, ideas, and issues are welcome.


A demo page is included, with hot reload, etc. Here's a live demo:


  • Shows a traditional month-grid calendar.
  • Can show "events," including multi-day events.
  • Optional event drag/drop support.
  • Localized automatically (overridable).
  • Lightweight!
  • Flexbox layout (look ma, no tables!).
  • No external dependencies (Moment, JQuery, etc.).
  • Emphasizes customization via plain ol' CSS.
  • User events (clicks, drags, etc.) are exposed as Vue events.
  • Can start on any day of the week (defaults to Sunday)

Installation and Usage

(This assumes you already have a web application set up for using Vue. If you're starting a new project, look up the documentation for the Vue CLI, which will allow you to initialize a new project with webpack, etc.)

Install the component using npm:

npm i --save vue-simple-calendar

In your application, you'll need to:

  • import the component
  • import the default theme and any additional themes you want to apply
  • create the calendar-month custom element
  • wire up the element's properties and events


  • The component will fill its parent's height and width, so be sure the parent has a minimum height that looks good.
  • This is a pure component, it doesn't change its own state, so clicking the previous/next month or year buttons doesn't do anything unless you provide a show-date attribute and update that attribute when the component fires the setShowDate event.

Here's a minimal application example for a calendar with no events, but styled with the default theme and the US holidays theme:

	<div id="app">
		<h1>My Calendar</h1>
			class="holiday-us-traditional holiday-us-official"
	import CalendarMonth from 'vue-simple-calendar/src/components/calendar-month'

	export default {
		name: 'app',
		data: function() {
			return { showDate: new Date() }
		components: {
		methods: {
			setShowDate(d) {
				this.showDate = d;
	#app {
		font-family: 'Avenir', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;
		color: #2c3e50;
		height: 67vh;
		width: 90vw;
		margin-left: auto;
		margin-right: auto;


The following properties are supported. Remember to use kebab-case when specifying these properties using attributes on the calendar-month element (e.g., <calendar-month month-name-format="long">:

  • events - An array of events to show on the calendar. See Calendar Event Properties below for more details.
  • disablePast - If true, prevents the user from navigating to previous months. Default is false. (Note: since this is a Boolean value, you should use v-bind on the attribute.)
  • disableFuture - If true, prevents the user from navigating to future months. Default is false. (Note: since this is a Boolean value, you should use v-bind on the attribute.)
  • enableDragDrop - If true, events are draggable, and dragging and dropping them emits events you can catch and respond to. Default is false. (Note: since this is a Boolean value, you should use v-bind on the attribute.)
  • locale - The BCP 47 language tag used to determine the month and day names. Defaults to the user's browser language setting.
  • showDate - The month to show by default. The day of month is ignored. Defaults to the current month (user local time).
  • startingDayOfWeek - The day of the week that starts each week. Defaults to 0 (Sunday), valid range is 0-6. Common non-default values would be 1 (Monday) for Europe or 6 (Saturday) for much of the Middle East.
  • monthNameFormat - The format to use for the month names. Possible values are numeric, 2-digit, narrow, short, or long, and the default is long.
  • weekdayNameFormat - The format to use for the names of the days of the week. Possible values are narrow, short, or long, and the default is short.

Calendar Event Properties

Each event shown on the calendar can have the following properties. startDate is required, and title and id are strongly recommended.

  • startDate - The date the event starts on the calendar. Time of day is currently ignored.
  • endDate - The date the event ends on the calendar. Time of day is currently ignored. Defaults to the same date as startDate.
  • title - The name of the event shown on the calendar. Defaults to "Untitled".
  • id - A unique identifier for the event. Defaults to a randomly-generated string.
  • url - The URL associated with the event. If provided, clicking the event opens the URL. If not provided, the event is unlinked.
  • classes - A String with any additional CSS classes you wish to use for the event.

Component Events

The following Vue events are raised by the component, which you can catch in your calling application to respond to user actions:

  • clickDay(date): fired when user clicks a date
  • clickEvent(event): fired when user clicks on an event
  • setShowDate(date): fired when user goes to a different month. The date passed is the first of the month in view (days before and after the month may also be visible).
  • dragEventEnterDate(event): fires when an event is dragged over a date
  • dragEventLeaveDate(event): fires when an event is dragged out of a date without dropping it there
  • dropEventOnDate(event, date): fired when an event is dropped on a date

Customizing the Look and Feel

Here's the main markup structure, with classes. Each line represents a div, the indentation represents the markup hierarchy, and each word on the line represents a class assigned. Classes in parenthesis are conditional. Repetition is shown in brackets.

Note that the events are not child nodes of the days, they are children of the week and positioned above the days. This allows events to span multiple days without impacting the ability to change the background color of the days.

The only markup not listed here are the buttons within the header (within previousYear, previousMonth, currentMonth, nextMonth, and nextYar).

calendar-month locale-X yYYYY mMM (past|future)
		day dowX [x7]
		week weekX wsYYYY-MM-DD [x # weeks in month]
			day dowX dYYYY-MM-DD dMM-DD dDD wmX (past|today|future|last|outsideOfMonth|lastInstance) [x 7]
			event offsetX spanX slotX (continued|toBeContinued|hasUrl) [x # of events]


Calendar classes


Two locale classes are added--one for the user's full locale, the other for just the first two letters (the language), both in lowercase. You could use this information to hide or show specific holidays, or to localize text using CSS content. Example:

locale-en locale-en-us


The full year of the current view.


The month (01-12) of the current view.


When the calendar shown is not the current month (local time), one of these classes is added. By default, this shows and hides and determines the label for the button that returns the view to the current month.

Week classes


Each week is numbered from 1-6, starting with the first week of the month. This controls the z-index that ensures that the events from one week don't overlap the following week, but could be used for other purposes as well.


Each week also has a class representing the date of the Sunday starting that week. This could be used to style entire weeks that have some special importance.

Day classes


This class is for the day of the week, ranging from 0 to 6. This allows you to easily style certain days of the week (say, weekend days) differently from other days. The same class is also added to the weekday headers.


Each day in the grid is given three special classes -- one for the month and day (01/01-12/31), one for the day (01-31), and one for the entire ISO 8601 date. This allows easy styling of holidays and other special days using CSS alone (rather than using events).

The demo calendar has some examples of using these to add holiday emoji beside the day numbers. Example:

d2017-05-23 d05-23 d23


The instance of the weekday within the day's month. For example, the class instance1 is added to the first Sunday, Monday, etc. of the month. Note that since this is relative to the day, not the "main" month being shown, days visible from the previous or next month will also have these classes, relative to their own month.

This makes it easy to style, say, the first and third Friday of each month. The demo app has some custom styles using this feature to add emoji to Labor Day and Thanksgiving.


Added to the last instance of a particular day of the week within its month (as above, relative to the day in question, which means the last day of the month previous, if in view, will also have this class. The example application uses this to show an emoji for Memorial Day (the last Monday of May in the US).


This class is added to each day falling outside of the month being shown. By default, these days are greyed out.


This class is added to days before the current date (local time).


This class is added to the current date (local time), if visible on the current view.


This class is added to days after the current date (local time).


This class is added to the last day of the month. Note that if a portion of the previous month is also showing, its last day will also have this class. If you want to style only the last day of the main month in view, use the rule .calendar-month .last:not(.outsideOfMonth).

Event classes


This class on an event represents the day of the week when the event starts on this week. If an event spans more than one week, the offset for the second week, etc. would be offset0 (Sunday).


This class on an event represents the width of the event display that week, in days. For example, if an event spans from a Thursday to the next Wednesday, it would have span3 on the first week and span4 on the second week.


This class on an event represents the "row" where the event is drawn that week, starting at 1. With the default height, only 5-6 slots are visible.


This is added to an event when it is continuing from a previous week. By default, this turns off the rounded corners on the left side of the event box and adds a grey right-arrow before the title.


This is added to an event when it is spills over into the following week. By default, this turns off the rounded corners on the right side of the event box and adds a grey right-arrow after the title.


This is added to an event when it has a url attribute (i.e., it is a hyperlink). By default, this is used to add a hovering underscore to event titles that are hyperlinked.

I'm open to other suggestions, provided they are easily calculated and there's some reasonable use case for having them.

Future plans

  • Keep it simple, not a kitchen-sink control.
  • Better docs.
  • Add optional external stylesheets (keep scoped styling to the basics).
  • Add a "starts-on-Monday" mode.
  • Add support for showing event times
  • Possibly add a "week" view (no time of day scaling, just 7 taller boxes).
  • Possibly add modes for a set number of weeks, multiple months, or even a full year.
  • Extract date manipulation methods to a separate plugin.

PRs and issues are welcome! Please use the same code style -- there are linter configs included for styles, plain JavaScript, and Vue components.


This project was inspired by Monthly.js, a JQuery-based control I've contributed to. Unfortunately, I wasn't able to port the code and still do things the Vue / Vanilla JS way, but I did borrow some of the concepts from that component.


(Ok, not really frequently-asked, but just random stuff.)

Why Vue?

Because Vue is awesome. I've been using it a few months in production, and I've slowly migrated my applications from ExtJS, JQuery, and Riot to Vue components. If you prefer React or Angular, it should be reasonably easy to port it. If you do, please let me know, maybe we can coordinate on feature upgrades!

Can you add "X" feature?

Maybe. Depends if it fits the core functionality of viewing a calendar grid. I don't want to create something that replicates all possible calendar views, and definitely don't want to add functionality for creating or editing events (that should be handled by the application/component hosting the view).

But I do have some ideas in mind, such as adding handles to be able to change an event's width, but I don't have a timetable for any particular new features.

Why not use moment.js?

Moment.js is great, but I would only need a tiny fraction of its capabilities, and for simplicity, I wanted to not have any dependencies (other than Vue of course).

Why is the style so "plain"?

I purposefully chose a very restrained, clean, and simple set of default styles for the calendar. The fanciest formatting is probably the rounded corners on the events. Also, any styles not critical to the display are in a static CSS file (static/css/default.css) rather than in the Vue component, making it easier for you to completely override my theme with your own. I also use CSS content where possible, so you can override static text in the buttons, etc. using CSS rather than having to modify the component's source or pass more props or slots.

What styles can I not override?
  • You can't add a background-image to the entire calendar. Each day block needs a background color so it "hides" events spilling over from the day above it in the previous week. I'm considering some possible solutions. You could put background images on individual days, or weeks, or the header.
  • If you change the event's font-size (defaults to 1em), padding, or border size, the events you'll have to change the slotX classes as well to position the events vertically in the right place. (You can change the overall font size, the entire calendar uses the same 1em font size and will scale everything accordingly.)

Release History

2017. version
2017. demo styling; refactor code; add basic drag/drop capability; fix display issue when events not sorted by start date
2017. to work around z-index context issue with multi-day events (events now positioned above days, weeks rendered individually). Significant improvements to handling of event slots and clipping when event content exceeds height/width.
2017. IE. Bad IE. Fixed CSS references to emoji. Default style adjustments. Clean up some old code. Add previous/next year buttons.
2017. demo, first published to npm.
2017. new classes, move a few classes up to calendar node, rename a few classes to pascalCase for consistency.
2017. up code, move date math to a mixin; allow endDate, title, and id to be optional; change so only core CSS (mostly position / metrics) is in the component, a separate CSS file contains the default theme. Reorganized and updated optional US holiday theme CSS file. Tweaked default theme and metrics for consistency and cleaner look. NOTE: the default component name is now calendar-month, as is the primary container's CSS class. This was done for possible future expansion to support other views (such as a week view) and to give the CSS a slightly more unique name without resorting to scoped CSS. The name of the npm package, repository, etc. remains vue-simple-calendar.
2017. issue where months ending in Saturday did not show their last week. Moved mixin to component folder.
2017. webpack issue with mixin import and Vue warning about non-primitive keys.
2017. date differences over DST and toBeContinued logic (thanks @houseoftech and @sean-atomized!)
2017. future/past classes. Tweaks to CSS to fix border render issue, simplify. Change height from aspect ratio to the height of the container (the reason for the minor version increment).
2017. issues when events have a time other than midnight (they should be ignored). Add stylelint and vue lint, clean up package.json, other minor tweaks. Set browser compatibility to a minimum of IE10. Prevent issues from caching "today" value.
2017. startingDayOfWeek property to allow the calendar to optionally start on any desired day of the week
2017. resolve reported babel preset error
2017. sample app to another repo, rebuild build/config scripts from scratch

Build Setup

# install dependencies
npm install

# serve with hot reload at localhost:8080
npm run dev

# build for production with minification
npm run build


Package last updated on 17 Dec 2017

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