Upgraded to web3 1.x and npm namespace is 'web3-cli'
Because Geth web3 is ancient and this original project isn't maintained anymore
Start Repl with 'web3-console'
Node.js Command Line REPL with auto-connected web3
is a small script that automatically hooks up web3 at various endpoints.
It will add a pre-configured web3
to the console's namespace.
npm install -g web3-cli
web3-console [endpoint options]
Leave the endpoint blank, and it'll connect to http://localhost:8545
$ web3-console
RPC Endpoint: http://localhost:8545
Web3 Version: 1.3.0
// node REPL is now available, with `web3`
> web3.currentProvider
HttpProvider { host: 'http://localhost:8545', timeout: 0 }
Pass in a string as an endpoint:
$ web3-console https://mainnet.infura.io
RPC Endpoint: https://mainnet.infura.io
Web3 Version: 1.3.0
> // node REPL
Pass in a number, and it will connect to that port on localhost:
$ web3-console 6545
RPC Endpoint: http://localhost:6545
Web3 Version: 1.3.0
> // node REPL