
On Windows? Want to compile native Node modules? Install the build tools with this one-liner:
npm install --global windows-build-tools

After installation, npm will automatically execute this module, which downloads and installs Visual C++ Build Tools 2015, provided free of charge by Microsoft. These tools are required to compile popular native modules. It will also install Python 2.7, configuring your machine and npm appropriately.
:bulb: [Windows Vista / 7 only] requires .NET Framework 4.5.1 (Currently not installed automatically by this package)
Both installations are conflict-free, meaning that they do not mess with existing installations of Visual Studio, C++ Build Tools, or Python. If you see anything that indiciates otherwise, please file a bug.
- Visual C++ Compilers (targeting x86, X64 and ARM)
- Visual C++ headers & libraries (CRT & STL)
- Visual C++ build scripts (targeting Windows desktop)
- Microsoft Build Tools 2015 (MSBuild)
- Windows SDK 8.1 (optional, on by default)
- Windows SDK 10 (optional, off by default)
- ATL and MFC (optional, off by default)
- C++ Build tools specific command prompts
If you're behind a proxy, set a PROXY
environment variable first. To do that with PowerShell, simply run $env:PROXY = "Your proxy"
Support & Help
This package currently only handles the most common use case, none of the edge cases. If you encounter errors, we'd greatly appreciate error reports (and even pull requests). This is currently tested on Windows 10.
Where is Python installed?
It's saved under %USERPROFILE%\.windows-build-tools\python27
'Python' is not recognized as a command
To not mess with your machine in unnecessary ways, Python is only installed to disk and configured with npm. If you'd like for the python
command to work in cmd.exe
and PowerShell, add the folder %USERPROFILE%\.windows-build-tools\python27
to your environment variables.
License & Credits
The Python installation was made possible by Ali Hajimirza, who kindly wrestled with Python's MSIs until they surrendered.
Copyright (C) 2016 Felix Rieseberg and Microsoft Corporation. Licensed MIT. For more details, please see LICENSE.