
@Sentry/node transport for the winston v3 logger.
npm install --save winston winston-transport-sentry-node
You can configure winston-transport-sentry-node
in two different ways.
With winston.createLogger
const winston = require('winston');
const Sentry = require('winston-transport-sentry-node').default;
const options = {
sentry: {
dsn: 'https://******',
level: 'info'
const logger = winston.createLogger({
transports: [
new Sentry(options)
Or with winston's add
const winston = require('winston');
const Sentry = require('winston-transport-sentry-node').default;
const logger = winston.createLogger();
logger.add(new Sentry(options));
See Options below for custom configuration.
Options (options
Transport related options
(Object) - a Sentry configuration object (see Sentry Common Options)silent
(Boolean) - suppress logging (defaults to false
(String) - transport's level of messages to log (defaults to info
(Object) - custom log format (see Winston Formats)levelsMap
(Object) - optional custom mapping between Winston's log levels and Sentry's log levels (default)
Sentry common options
(String) - your Sentry DSN or Data Source Name (defaults to process.env.SENTRY_DSN
(String) - (defaults to process.env.SENTRY_ENVIRONMENT || process.env.NODE_ENV || 'production'
(String) - transport's name (defaults to winston-transport-sentry-node
(Boolean) - turns debug mode on or off (default to process.env.SENTRY_DEBUG || false
(Number) - sample rate as a percentage of events to be sent in the range of 0.0 to 1.0 (default to 1.0
(Number) - total amount of breadcrumbs that should be captured (default to 100
)- ... Other options
If info.tags
is an object, it will be sent as Sentry Tags.
logger.error("some error", { tags: { tag1: "yo", tag2: "123" } });
If info.user
is an object, it will be sent as Sentry User.
logger.error("some error", { user: { username: "somebody", id: "123" } });
Additional properties of info
are sent as Sentry Extra Context.
logger.error("some error", { whatever: "is sent as extra" });
Tip! If you already have logging in place and want to use Sentry tags but don’t want to update all places where you log something, use a format
const sentryFormat = format(info => {
const {path, label, ...extra} = info;
return {
tags: {
path: path || '',
request_id: label
new SentryTransport({
format: sentryFormat()
Log Level Mapping
Winston logging levels are mapped by default to Sentry's acceptable levels.
silly: 'debug',
verbose: 'debug',
info: 'info',
debug: 'debug',
warn: 'warning',
error: 'error'
See available Sentry's levels.
Matching is done with Sentry.Severity.fromString()
method and will defaults to log
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