What is xterm?
xterm is a terminal emulator library that can be used to create terminal interfaces in web applications. It provides a way to embed a terminal in a web page, allowing users to interact with a command-line interface directly from their browser.
What are xterm's main functionalities?
Basic Terminal Initialization
This code initializes a basic terminal instance and attaches it to a DOM element with the ID 'terminal-container'.
const { Terminal } = require('xterm');
const terminal = new Terminal();
Customizing Terminal Appearance
This code demonstrates how to customize the appearance of the terminal, including the number of columns and rows, as well as the theme colors for the background and foreground.
const { Terminal } = require('xterm');
const terminal = new Terminal({
cols: 80,
rows: 24,
theme: {
background: '#1e1e1e',
foreground: '#ffffff'
Handling Terminal Input
This code sets up an event listener to handle user input in the terminal. The input data is logged to the console.
const { Terminal } = require('xterm');
const terminal = new Terminal();
terminal.onData(data => {
console.log('User input:', data);
Writing Data to Terminal
This code demonstrates how to write data to the terminal. The text 'Hello, World!' is written to the terminal, followed by a carriage return and newline.
const { Terminal } = require('xterm');
const terminal = new Terminal();
terminal.write('Hello, World!\r\n');
Other packages similar to xterm
Blessed is a curses-like library for creating terminal user interfaces in Node.js. It provides a higher-level abstraction for building complex terminal applications, including support for widgets like buttons, text boxes, and more. Compared to xterm, blessed is more focused on creating full-fledged terminal applications rather than embedding a terminal emulator in a web page.
Terminal-kit is a comprehensive library for creating terminal applications in Node.js. It offers a wide range of features, including support for colors, styles, input handling, and more. Terminal-kit is similar to blessed in that it is designed for building terminal applications, but it provides more low-level control and flexibility. Unlike xterm, terminal-kit is not focused on web-based terminal emulation.
Node-pty is a library that provides bindings to pseudo terminals (PTYs) in Node.js. It allows you to spawn and interact with terminal processes programmatically. While node-pty does not provide a terminal emulator like xterm, it can be used in conjunction with xterm to handle the backend process management for a web-based terminal interface.

Xterm.js is a terminal front-end component written in JavaScript that works in the browser.
It enables applications to provide fully featured terminals to their users and create great development experiences.
- Text-based application support: Use xterm.js to work with applications like
, git
etc. - Curses-based application support: Use xterm.js to work with applications like
, tmux
etc. - Mouse events support: Xterm.js captures mouse events like click and scroll and passes them to the terminal's back-end controlling process
- CJK (Chinese, Japanese, Korean) character support: Xterm.js renders CJK characters seamlessly
- IME support: Insert international (including CJK) characters using IME input with your keyboard
- Self-contained library: Xterm.js works on its own. It does not require any external libraries like jQuery or React to work
- Modular, event-based API: Lets you build addons and themes with ease
What xterm.js is not
- Xterm.js is not a terminal application that you can download and use on your computer
- Xterm.js is not
. Xterm.js can be connected to processes like bash
and let you interact with them (provide input, receive output)
Real-world uses
Xterm.js is used in several world-class applications to provide great terminal experiences.
- SourceLair: In-browser IDE that provides its users with fully-featured Linux terminals based on xterm.js
- Microsoft Visual Studio Code: Modern, versatile and powerful open source code editor that provides an integrated terminal based on xterm.js
- ttyd: A command-line tool for sharing terminal over the web, with fully-featured terminal emulation based on xterm.js
- Katacoda: Katacoda is an Interactive Learning Platform for software developers, covering the latest Cloud Native technologies.
- Eclipse Che: Developer workspace server, cloud IDE, and Eclipse next-generation IDE.
- Codenvy: Cloud workspaces for development teams.
- CoderPad: Online interviewing platform for programmers. Run code in many programming languages, with results displayed by
. - WebSSH2: A web based SSH2 client using
, socket.io, and ssh2. - Spyder Terminal: A full fledged system terminal embedded on Spyder IDE.
- Cloud Commander: Orthodox web file manager with console and editor.
- Codevolve: Online platform for interactive coding and web development courses. Live container-backed terminal uses
. - RStudio: RStudio is an integrated development environment (IDE) for R.
- Terminal for Atom: A simple terminal for the Atom text editor.
- Eclipse Orion: A modern, open source software development environment that runs in the cloud. Code, deploy and run in the cloud.
- Gravitational Teleport: Gravitational Teleport is a modern SSH server for remotely accessing clusters of Linux servers via SSH or HTTPS.
- Hexlet: Practical programming courses (JavaScript, PHP, Unix, databases, functional programming). A steady path from the first line of code to the first job.
- Selenoid UI: Simple UI for the scallable golang implementation of Selenium Hub named Selenoid. We use XTerm for streaming logs over websockets from docker containers.
- Portainer: Simple management UI for Docker.
- SSHy: HTML5 Based SSHv2 Web Client with E2E encryption utilising
, SJCL & websockets. - JupyterLab: An extensible
computational environment for Jupyter, supporting interactive data science and scientific computing across all programming languages.
Do you use xterm.js in your application as well? Please open a Pull Request to include it here. We would love to have it in our list.
Browser Support
Since xterm.js is typically implemented as a developer tool, only modern browsers are supported officially. Here is a list of the versions we aim to support:
- Chrome 48+
- Edge 13+
- Firefox 44+
- Internet Explorer 11+
- Opera 35+
- Safari 8+
Xterm.js works seamlessly in Electron apps and may even work on earlier versions of the browsers but these are the browsers we strive to keep working.
Linux or macOS
Run the following commands:
$ npm install
$ npm start
Then open in a web browser.
First, ensure node-gyp is installed and configured correctly, then run these commands.
Note: Do not use ConEmu, as it seems to break the demo for some reason.
> npm install
> npm start
Then open in a web browser.
Getting Started
To start using xterm.js on your browser, add the xterm.js
and xterm.css
to the head of your html page. Then create a <div id="terminal"></div>
onto which xterm can attach itself.
<!doctype html>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="bower_components/xterm.js/dist/xterm.css" />
<script src="bower_components/xterm.js/dist/xterm.js"></script>
<div id="terminal"></div>
var term = new Terminal();
term.write('Hello from \033[1;3;31mxterm.js\033[0m $ ')
Finally instantiate the Terminal
object and then call the open
function with the DOM object of the div
Addons are JavaScript modules that attach functions to the Terminal
prototype to extend its functionality. There are a handful available in the main repository in the dist/addons
directory, you can even write your own (though they may break when the internals of xterm.js change across versions).
To use an addon, just include the JavaScript file after xterm.js and before the Terminal
object has been instantiated. The function should then be exposed on the Terminal
<script src="node_modules/dist/xterm.js"></script>
<script src="node_modules/dist/addons/fit/fit.js"></script>
var xterm = new Terminal();
Xterm.js follows a monthly release cycle roughly.
The existing releases are available at this GitHub repo's Releases, while the roadmap is available as Milestones.
Development and Contribution
Xterm.js is maintained by SourceLair and a few external contributors, but we would love to receive contributions from everyone!
To contribute either code, documentation or issues to xterm.js please read the Contributing document beforehand. The development of xterm.js does not require any special tool. All you need is an editor that supports JavaScript/TypeScript and a browser. You will need Node.js installed locally to get all the features working in the demo.
License Agreement
If you contribute code to this project, you are implicitly allowing your code to be distributed under the MIT license. You are also implicitly verifying that all code is your original work.
Copyright (c) 2014-2017, SourceLair, Private Company (www.sourcelair.com) (MIT License)
Copyright (c) 2012-2013, Christopher Jeffrey (MIT License)