Simplex noise (like Perlin) for CircuitPython
A Tensor library in Python, built in C++
Meta-analytic gradient decoding
Adjoint Nonlinear Gradients
Optimizes user-specified objective functions of many variables using gradient-based optimization; relies on autodifferentiation for fast computation of gradients.
Simple gradient computation library in Python
Gradient based Receptive field estimation library for Tensorflow and Pytorch
A multi-node Python 3 gradient-free optimization library.
Gradient Index (GRIN) Lens Calculations
Compute Friedman and Popescu's H statistics, in order to look for interactions among variables in scikit-learn gradient-boosting models.
Easy to use optimizers with adaptive gradient clipping. Written in PyTorch.
Train a gradient boosted tree to predict the salary of US residents from a salary-related survey dataset
Implementation of the gradient-based t-SNE attribution method described in our GLBIO oral presentation: 'Towards Computing Attributions for Dimensionality Reduction Techniques'
Python Implementation of Hierarchical Incremental Gradient Descent
Colour handling through 4 bit and 8 bit ANSI escape sequences. Powerful effects like gradients for blocks of text such as figlet banners.
Row-wise gradient dHash (difference hash) algorithm implementation in python.
An implementation of Mesh Adaptive Direct Search (MADS) for gradient-free optimization.
WoeBoost: Weight of Evidence (WOE) Gradient Boosting
Classical gradient based optimization in PyTorch
A set of scripts to deal with color conversions, color transformations, and generating color scales.
Optimize functions.Newton and Gradient descent methods
A package for multiple linear regression by gradient descent.
Verlauf - The Terminal Color Gradient Generator
Reinforcement Learning model using Deep Deterministic Policy Gradients (DDPG)
Bayesian Optimization + Gradient Boosted Trees
A Python module for text styling with color and gradient support
A gradient boosted tree library with automatic feature engineering.
Python Implementation of Parameter-exploring Policy Gradients Evolution Strategy
fast calculation of sparse gradients and Jacobian matrices in Python
Implementation of Gradient Origin Networks in PyTorch
This repo helps to track model Weights, Biases and Gradients during training with loss tracking and gives detailed insight for Classification-Model Evaluation
Accelerated Bregman proximal gradient (ABPG) methods
Relational Functional Gradient Boosting in Python.
Gradient Accumulation Optimizer Wrapper for Keras/TensorFlow
Relative Luminance gradient and Dominant Color of Frames (RLGDCF) based Digital Video Fingerprinting.
Pytorch implementation of the gradient-based initialization
The Simple Pytorch-Like Auto Differentiation Toolkit is an automatic differentiation package for calculating gradients of a function in forward and reverse mode.
A python library to generate CSS gradient from an image
Numerical differentiation in python.
YOLOv9: Learning What You Want to Learn Using Programmable Gradient Information.
A package for competitive gradient descent and its adaptive version using JAX
A package for visualizing test functions and gradient descent.
Automated Machine Learning for production and analytics
A Python package for the FeatBoost-X feature selection algorithm
Faster gradient based sampling
Regularized methods for efficient ranking in networks
constrained optimization for gradient boosting models with non-decomposable constraints
A fast and memory-saving implementation of competitive gradient descent in PyTorch
Finite difference methods