Python Code Timer
A ``pytest`` fixture for benchmarking code. It will group the tests into rounds that are calibrated to the chosen timer.
A timer context manager measuring the clock wall time of the code block it contains.
A timer plugin for nosetests
Line-by-line profiler
Timing Python code made easy
Timeout timer use signal or thread module, support nested loop
A timer plugin for pytest
Time ranges.
TimeRun is a Python library for elapsed time measurement.
A powerful multiline alternative to timeit
A flexible, customizable timer for your Python code.
Correct GeoJSON geometries that cross the 180th meridian
A simple WatchDog Timer (WDT) to trigger events if inactivity, of a time dependent task, occur for a specified amount of time.
Timer for Python
A dictionary where values are removed after a certain time
Sov Campaign Timer for Alliance Auth
Measure execution time with a context manager.
An app for keeping track of Eve Online structure timers
Python API wrapper for Uptime Robot.
Timer Module with performance profiling features
A simple context manager for timing blocks of Python code.
Simple console graphic to show progress of a process
Wrapper for threading.Timer to allow resetting
A watchdog that interrupts long running code.
A simple CLI tool for starting a countdown timer.
The package offers thread-safe classes for event-driven programming, including a versatile Event class for managing callback routines and a TimerEvent class for creating repeated timer-based events.
Provides a decorator to easily measure and optionally save the execution times.
Tiny Python benchmarking library
A small Python class to quickly measure the time taken while executing a block of indented lines
Minimalist to-do list with built-in timer to keep your tasks on track.
A timer for the phases of Pytest's execution.
Python Timer Library
A beautiful timer from ufomap by Daniel Duberg, nanobind by Qingwen Zhang
A simple decorator to time function execution
A basic timer that counts down from time entered
A pure-python periodic timer that can be started multiple times
Working hours (Danish arbejdstimer) or not?
A timer plugin for nose2
An indispensable performance timer for Python
The missing Python async timer.
A Python timer module, containing class Timer() and decorator function timer(), as well as some useful functions that can be used for performance analysis.一个Python计时器模块, 其中包含Timer()类和timer()装饰器, 以及一些相关的有用函数, 可用于程序性能分析。
A simple countdown
A Skyhook Timer app for Alliance Auth.
atimer - timer library for asyncio
Print the amount of time that each unit test took
A Cubing Timer for the Terminal