Toolkit for defining, generating, validating, and substituting data models with a data description language
Data validation and transformation library for Python. Successor to CleanCat.
Sphinx support for the JSON Schema specifications
This library consolidates various functions to efficiently load network data for Lido, validate node operator keys and find key duplicates.
A library that defines AIND data schema and validates JSON files for behavior rig models.
A package to enable easy data validation
GEDCOM Genealogy address validation and geocoding using data
Validation tool for API/Function parameters
Lightweight, extensible schema and data validation tool for Cloudformation Templates.
Typical: Python's Typing Toolkit.
Provides UI to build custom data validation rules for data in Nautobot
DKIST data validator
Define, serialize, deserialize, and validate Python data structures.
A Django library for importing CSVs and other structured data quickly using Django's ModelForm for validation and deserialisation into an instance.
Lightweight data validation and adaptation library for Python
Another JSON-Schema Validator
OML is a PyTorch-based framework to train and validate the models producing high-quality embeddings.
"quickly create UIs to interactively prompt, validate, and persist python objects to disk (JSON/YAML) and back using type hints"
Rigor is a Domain Specific Language (DSL) and Command Line Interface (CLI) for making HTTP requests, extracting data, and validating responses. The main intent of Rigor is to be an HTTP-based API (e.g. REST) Testing Framework for automated functional or integration testing.
Schema definitions and validation for Polyaxon.
Data validation and settings management using python 3.6 type hinting
A collection of Value Objects to save time by generalizing data type and format validations.
Validation of input4MIPs data (checking file formats, metadata etc.).
Package for biomedical data model and metadata ingress management
Lightweight package for arbitrary data transformation and validation using AI models and first class python libraries like Pandas and Pydantic.
Example BuildingSync files and tools for writing and validating BuildingSync use cases as schematron files.
Python data validation with web in-mind
A python library containing automated data validation tools for the Atmos Data Service
A standard library to manage geomatic data
Data-structure definition/validation/traversal, mapping and serialisation toolkit for Python
A Python package to validate RO-Crates
Sign- and validate- data (dictionaries, strings) using symmetric-key algorithm.
Library for validation and formatting of Brazilian data
a very easy use django request POST/GET data validator
Standard and idiosyncratic schemata for text, annotation and user data, with a library of validation, (de-)serialization, a database interface and other utilities.
A Python library that provides tools for using and validating Telegram web app init data.
Extended form fields to validate REST-request data via django.forms
Comprehensive validation library for nested data structures.
A python package for validating expectations of text data, and safely reporting exceptions
A comprehensive Python package for type casting, conversion, and validation with advanced features
A Python package for validating data with pandas
Eurybia monitor model drift over time and securize model deployment with data validation
Simple framework to create data validation workflows.
Adversarial validation for train-test datasets