Mocks collection for Fiji-Python. Zero functional code.
A python mock server of [duniter]( API
Mock Data
A contextmanager pytest fixture for handling multiple mock abstracts
The package for working with SQLAlchemy in unit tests
A small library that includes details mocks of AWS Lambda event sources, Python implementation.
The Python dictionary-based mock memcached client library.
This is a tool for producing random data.
Automatically mocks resources from serverless.yml in pytest using moto.
A tiny and non-exhaustive mock for bitcoind
a convenient way to anonymize your data for analytics
A pytest plugin that provides a mock NETCONF (RFC6241/RFC6242) server for local testing.
Pytest utilities and mocks for Azure
In-memory implementation of Google Cloud Firestore for use in tests
Mocking framework for Exasol Python UDFs
Pytest plugin for automatical mocks creation
Generate mock data using json schema supplied.
Mimicking the logger protocol
A framework for creating stand-ins for CLI tools that pretend to be the real thing for when "the real thing" isn't suitable, such as in automated tests.
RPi.GPIO wrapper with mocks for developmennt on any platform
Make and mock pacts in python for faas microservices.
Utility to allow some functions to be 'mocked by default' when running tests.
A very simple http mock server
Makes mocking services for tests simpler by caching calls to services and loading those responses as fixtures.
Mock any proposal, reasonable or otherwise
mocking http request more easy
"Generate random strings that make sense."
Simplify the testing of SQL data models and queries by allowing users to mock input data and create tests for various scenarios. It provides a consistent and convenient way to test the execution of your query without the need to process a massive amount of data.
A contextmanager pytest fixture for handling multiple mock iters
Mock server for OpenAPI documentation
Create dynamic mock server with wsdl file.
Mocks that whitelist its interface
Software 'r2' is designed to record and replay responses (to mock) from REST API services
Mock for redis-py
BME280 Driver for CircuitPython used for testing functionality with no hardware attached
Create a Django request object that mocks a real one.
An API-compatible mock service
Pytest plugin for capturing and mocking connection requests.
Mock Express server generated based on your views, that can come in handy when developing REST APIs with Django
The application to provide a mock device to test Geeks Trident product.
A pytest plugin for idapython. Allows a pytest setup to run tests outside and inside IDA in an automated manner by runnig pytest inside IDA and by mocking idapython api
A simple package to allow dynamic mocking class definition.
Mock a datalake easily to be able to test your pyspark data application
This is the Python API for the EnStadt:Pfaff Platform Mock