HalWeb Framework
This is initial release of HalWeb, there will be changes incompatible with the current one. so please be patient.
If you are eager to try it you need manualy to setup the AppenginePath in the config.py to HalWeb installation.
Offcourse you need to have Appengine on your system
Any of this three shoud work:
shell>python setup.py install
shell>easy_install halweb
shell>python setup.py install`
Some Examples
Creating a project
1. open hal.py in your shell by typing **hal**::
2. Create a project::
hal>project /home/myhome/MyProjects/TestProject
3. Run your project::
shell>cd /home/myhome/MyProjects/TestProject
shell>python manage.py
**Woalla you have your project setup and running**
Creating Model, View, Controller, Form and Handler in your Project
Open the *manage.py* console in you project and type: ::
hal>>mvcfh Galery.Photo
*The console will give you the opportunity to setup the model*::
..............class Galery.Photo(db.Model):
*Populate it like this*::
..............class Galery.Photo(db.Model):
Property0>........Name str required=True
Property1>........Description txt
Property2>........DateCreated date
Property3>........Content blob
Property4>........MimeType str
Save Galery.Photo?(y/n) y
With this you have defined the Model, It's controller, forms and also address binding
which is added in the handlerMap.py file
You can also add different Models under the 'Package' Galery and use them in the code
**Later you can**
Manipulate you Galery Package
Exporting it to some directory::
hal>pack package Galery /some/destination/NameOfThePackage
Also unpack it from there to some other Hal project::
hal>unpack package Galery /from/the/package/directory
Or delete it if you were just playing::
hal>del package Galery
**Note: Official Online Hal Packages Repository is comming soon**
Continue Exploring ;)
**I'll put more in near future, explaining how betautifully it works. :)**
.. image:: http://www.python.org/images/python-logo.gif
.. image:: http://code.google.com/appengine/images/appengine_lowres.png