is a Python package for recording
AppMaps of your code. "AppMap" is a data format
which records code structure (modules, classes, and methods), code execution events
(function calls and returns), and code metadata (repo name, repo URL, commit SHA, labels,
etc). It's more granular than a performance profile, but it's less granular than a full
debug trace. It's designed to be optimal for understanding the design intent and structure
of code and key data flows.
Visit the AppMap for Python reference page on AppLand.com for a complete reference guide.

Getting the code
Clone the repo to begin development.
% git clone https://github.com/applandinc/appmap-python.git
Cloning into 'appmap-python'...
remote: Enumerating objects: 167, done.
remote: Counting objects: 100% (167/167), done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (100/100), done.
remote: Total 962 (delta 95), reused 116 (delta 61), pack-reused 795
Receiving objects: 100% (962/962), 217.31 KiB | 4.62 MiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (653/653), done.
Python version support
As a package intended to be installed in as many environments as possible, appmap-python
needs to avoid using features of Python or the standard library that were added after the
oldest version currently supported (see the
supported versions).
Dependency management
poetry for dependency management:
% brew install poetry
% cd appmap-python
% poetry install
The one dependency that is not managed using poetry
is wrapt
. Because it's possible that
projects that use appmap
may also need an unmodified version of wrapt
(e.g. pylint
depends on
, which in turn depends on wrapt
), we use
vendoring to vendor wrapt
To update wrapt
, use tox
(described below) to run the vendoring
pylint for linting:
% cd appmap-python
% poetry run pylint appmap
Your code has been rated at 10.00/10 (previous run: 10.00/10, +0.00)
[Note that the current configuration has a threshold set which must be met for the Travis build to
pass. To make this easier to achieve, a number of checks have both been disabled. They should be
reenabled as soon as possible.]
Note that you must install the dependencies contained in
requirements-dev.txt before running tests. See the explanation in
pyproject.toml for details.
Additionally, the tests currently require that you set APPMAP=true
pytest for testing:
% cd appmap-python
% pip install -r requirements-test.txt
% APPMAP=true APPMAP_DISPLAY_PARAMS=true poetry run pytest
Additionally, the tox
configuration provides the ability to run the tests for all
supported versions of Python and Django.
requires that all the correct versions of Python to be available to create
the test environments. pyenv is an easy way to manage
multiple versions of Python, and the xxenv-latest
plugin can help get all the latest versions.
% brew install pyenv
% git clone https://github.com/momo-lab/xxenv-latest.git "$(pyenv root)"/plugins/xxenv-latest
% cd appmap-python
% pyenv latest local 3.{9,6,7,8}
% for v in 3.{9,6,7,8}; do pyenv latest install $v; done
% poetry run tox
Code Coverage
coverage for coverage:
% cd appmap-python
% poetry run coverage run -m pytest
% poetry run coverage html
% open htmlcov/index.html