ComputeNodeApi | api_serverapprover | GET /api/v1/compute/approve | Approves a job to be run on this compute node. |
ComputeNodeApi | api_serverdebug | GET /api/v1/compute/debug | Returns debug information on what the current node is doing. |
MiscApi | api_serverversion | POST /api/v1/version | Returns the build version running on the server. |
OpsApi | agentalive | GET /api/v1/agent/alive | |
OpsApi | agentdebug | GET /api/v1/agent/debug | Returns debug information on what the current node is doing. |
OpsApi | agentnode | GET /api/v1/agent/node | Returns the info of the node. |
OpsApi | agentversion | GET /api/v1/agent/version | Returns the build version running on the server. |
OrchestratorApi | orchestratorget_job | GET /api/v1/orchestrator/jobs/{id} | Returns a job. |
OrchestratorApi | orchestratorget_node | GET /api/v1/orchestrator/nodes/{id} | Get an orchestrator node |
OrchestratorApi | orchestratorjob_executions | GET /api/v1/orchestrator/jobs/{id}/executions | Returns the executions of a job. |
OrchestratorApi | orchestratorjob_history | GET /api/v1/orchestrator/jobs/{id}/history | Returns the history of a job. |
OrchestratorApi | orchestratorjob_results | GET /api/v1/orchestrator/jobs/{id}/results | Returns the results of a job. |
OrchestratorApi | orchestratorlist_jobs | GET /api/v1/orchestrator/jobs | Returns a list of jobs. |
OrchestratorApi | orchestratorlist_nodes | GET /api/v1/orchestrator/nodes | Returns a list of orchestrator nodes. |
OrchestratorApi | orchestratorlogs | GET /api/v1/orchestrator/jobs/{id}/logs | Displays the logs for a current job/execution |
OrchestratorApi | orchestratorput_job | PUT /api/v1/orchestrator/jobs | Submits a job to the orchestrator. |
OrchestratorApi | orchestratorstop_job | DELETE /api/v1/orchestrator/jobs/{id} | Stops a job. |
OrchestratorApi | orchestratorupdate_node | POST /api/v1/orchestrator/nodes | Update an orchestrator node. |
UtilsApi | healthz | GET /api/v1/healthz | |
UtilsApi | home | GET / | |
UtilsApi | id | GET /api/v1/id | Returns the id of the host node. |
UtilsApi | livez | GET /api/v1/livez | |
UtilsApi | node_info | GET /api/v1/node_info | Returns the info of the node. |