Host Application - HARDWARIO Firmware Tool

This repository contains HARDWARIO Firmware Tool.
You can install bcf directly from PyPI:
sudo pip3 install -U bcf
Enabling Completion
For Bash Complete add this line to .bashrc
eval "$(_BCF_COMPLETE=bash_source bcf)"
Then run this command to reload .bashrc
source ~/.bashrc
For Zsh Complete add this line to .zshrc
eval "$(_BCF_COMPLETE=zsh_source bcf)"
Now you can for example write bcf --de
, press TAB and --device
text is automatically completed.
>>> bcf help
Usage: bcf [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...
HARDWARIO Firmware Tool.
-d, --device TEXT Device path.
--version Show the version and exit.
--help Show this message and exit.
clean Clean cache.
create Create new firmware.
devices Print available devices.
eeprom Work with EEPROM.
flash Flash firmware.
ftdi Update USB descriptors in the FTDI chip.
help Show help.
list List firmware.
log Show log.
pull Pull firmware to cache.
read Download firmware to file.
reset Reset core module.
search Search in firmware names and descriptions.
source Firmware source.
test Test firmware source.
update Update list of available firmware.
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.
Made with ❤ by HARDWARIO a.s. in the heart of Europe.