Some nanoswap business logic

pip install bizlogic
Build docs locally
mkdocs serve
To only run tests: pytest --cov=bizlogic --log-cli-level=debug
To only run lints: flake8 bizlogic --docstring-convention google --ignore=D100,D104,,
To run all checks: nox
Before running tests:
Regenerate files
protoc --python_out=bizlogic/protoc --proto_path=protobuf protobuf/*.proto
Ipfs setup
Run the ipfs daemon
ipfs daemon --api /ip4/
Check the status of your node at:
IPFS troubleshooting
Set the log level, send the logs to a file, and search the file for relevant messages
export IPFS_LOGGING=<debug|info|error>
ipfs daemon --debug 2>&1 | tee ipfs.log
cat ipfs.log | grep test_directory
If you find something important, you can show the first few lines around that message
grep -C 10 '2023-04-13T17:31:49.712-0400' ipfs.log
Here is an example of an error message in these logs:
2023-04-13T17:31:49.712-0400 DEBUG cmds/http http/handler.go:90 incoming API request: /files/mkdir?arg=test_directory
2023-04-13T17:31:49.712-0400 DEBUG cmds go-ipfs-cmds@v0.8.2/command.go:161 error occured in call, closing with error: paths must start with a leading slash