A fast & compressed ndarray library with a flexible compute engine
:Author: The Blosc development team
:Contact: blosc@blosc.org
:Github: https://github.com/Blosc/python-blosc2
:Actions: |actions|
:PyPi: |version|
:NumFOCUS: |numfocus|
:Code of Conduct: |Contributor Covenant|
.. |version| image:: https://img.shields.io/pypi/v/blosc2.svg
:target: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/blosc2
.. |Contributor Covenant| image:: https://img.shields.io/badge/Contributor%20Covenant-v2.0%20adopted-ff69b4.svg
:target: https://github.com/Blosc/community/blob/master/code_of_conduct.md
.. |numfocus| image:: https://img.shields.io/badge/powered%20by-NumFOCUS-orange.svg?style=flat&colorA=E1523D&colorB=007D8A
:target: https://numfocus.org
.. |actions| image:: https://github.com/Blosc/python-blosc2/actions/workflows/build.yml/badge.svg
:target: https://github.com/Blosc/python-blosc2/actions/workflows/build.yml
What it is
Python-Blosc2 is a high-performance compressed ndarray library with a flexible
compute engine. It uses the C-Blosc2 library as the compression backend.
C-Blosc2 <https://github.com/Blosc/c-blosc2>
_ is the next generation of
Blosc, an award-winning <https://www.blosc.org/posts/prize-push-Blosc2/>
library that has been around for more than a decade, and that is been used
by many projects, including PyTables <https://www.pytables.org/>
_ or
Zarr <https://zarr.readthedocs.io/en/stable/>
Python-Blosc2 is Python wrapper that exposes the C-Blosc2 API, plus an
integrated compute engine. This allows to perform complex calculations on
compressed data in a way that operands do not need to be in-memory, but can be
stored on disk or on the network <https://github.com/ironArray/Caterva2>
This makes possible to work with data no matter how large it is, and that
can be stored in a distributed fashion.
Most importantly, Python-Blosc2 uses the C-Blosc2 simple and open format <https://github.com/Blosc/c-blosc2/blob/main/README_FORMAT.rst>
_ for storing
compressed data, making it easy to integrate with other systems and tools.
You can find more introductory info about Python-Blosc2 at:
Blosc2 now provides Python wheels for the major OS (Win, Mac and Linux) and platforms.
You can install the binary packages from PyPi using pip
.. code-block:: console
pip install blosc2 --upgrade
For conda users, you can install the package from the conda-forge channel:
.. code-block:: console
conda install -c conda-forge python-blosc2
The documentation is available here:
Additionally, you can find some examples at:
Finally, we taught a tutorial at the PyData Global 2024 <https://pydata.org/global2024/>
that you can find at: https://github.com/Blosc/Python-Blosc2-3.0-tutorial. There you will
find different Jupyter notebook that explains the main features of Python-Blosc2.
This software is licensed under a 3-Clause BSD license. A copy of the
python-blosc2 license can be found in
LICENSE.txt <https://github.com/Blosc/python-blosc2/tree/main/LICENSE.txt>
Discussion forum
Discussion about this package is welcome at:
Social feeds
Stay informed about the latest developments by following us in
Mastodon <https://fosstodon.org/@Blosc2>
Bluesky <https://bsky.app/profile/blosc.org>
LinkedIn <https://www.linkedin.com/company/88381936/admin/dashboard/>
Blosc2 is supported by the NumFOCUS foundation <https://numfocus.org>
, the
LEAPS-INNOV project <https://www.leaps-innov.eu>
and ironArray SLU <https://ironarray.io>
_, among many other donors.
This allowed the following people have contributed in an important way
to the core development of the Blosc2 library:
- Francesc Alted
- Marta Iborra
- Aleix Alcacer
- Oscar Guiñón
- Juan David Ibáñez
- Ivan Vilata i Balaguer
- Oumaima Ech.Chdig
In addition, other people have participated to the project in different
- Jan Sellner, contributed the mmap support for NDArray/SChunk objects.
- Dimitri Papadopoulos, contributed a large bunch of improvements to the
in many aspects of the project. His attention to detail is remarkable.
- And many others that have contributed with bug reports, suggestions and
Citing Blosc
You can cite our work on the various libraries under the Blosc umbrella as follows:
.. code-block:: console
author = {{Blosc Development Team}},
title = "{A fast, compressed and persistent data store library}",
year = {2009-2025},
note = {https://blosc.org}
If you find Blosc useful and want to support its development, please consider
making a donation via the NumFOCUS <https://numfocus.org/donate-to-blosc>
organization, which is a non-profit that supports many open-source projects.
Thank you!
Compress Better, Compute Bigger