bluemax is a python rpc server using websockets.
The concept is that you can write python functions and
expose them in the __all__
property of the module.
The complexity comes when you want to do more than
this. And that is what I am working on. The most
important pattern to me is being able to insert, update
and delete in the database and be able to broadcast
the changes to all users after the actor gets their
response. I call it broadcast_on_success.
actor crud broadcast
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The errors from crud are local to the actor. The actor
will receive identity on success and then like every
other user hear about crud via broadcast.
Using annotations allows clients to
infer function. See the sample.add function.
For deployment of multiple servers see:
To use:
pip install bluemax
To install:
python3.7 -m venv venv
. venv/bin/activate
pip install -e git+
To run you can choose either with workers using redis or standalone.
To run standalone:
bluemax run.server -m
To run with redis:
pip install bluemax[redis]
docker run -p 6379:6379 -d redis:2.8
Then create a conf.yml file containing:
REDIS_URL: redis://localhost
Then run a worker in one terminal
and a server in the another.
bluemax run.worker -c conf.yml
bluemax -c conf.yml
bluemax run.server -c conf.yml
Now go to http://localhost:8080 and add some numbers.
To build your own project try:
bluemax sidney olive
You can use any name for your module. It will create extension points for logs,
settings, urls and a base procedures modules. bluemax will look for your
procedures.all in the module you pass in.