A command line bluetooth file sharing application for Linux.
Help command:
$ bshare -h
usage: bshare.py [-h] [-a address] [-s address] [-d] [-l]
A simple bluetooth file sharer!
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-a address, --addr address
Connect to bluetooth device with specified Bluetooth
-s address, --set address
Set default Bluetooth address.
-d, --default Shows the default bluetooth address.
-l, --list Shows all the added bluetooth devices identified by your
To list all the added buetooth devices:
$ bshare -l
Added devices:
Windows Phone (9C:6C:15:01:EA:41)
Videocon V1550 (00:67:1B:BA:7F:B2)
To share files with a device by specifying its bluetooth address:
$ bshare -a F4:F5:24:B2:D9:7D
To set a bluetooth address as default (for quick sharing):
$ bshare -s F4:F5:24:B2:D9:7D
Default bluetooth address was changed to F4:F5:24:B2:D9:7D
Now, to share files with device having default bluetooth address,
$ bshare
To show default bluetooth address:
$ bshare -d
Default bluetooth address: F4:F5:24:B2:D9:7D