Build Flask App
An easy to use flask app generator that allows users to create flask apps simply by running one command. You can check out the official website here.
Install using pip/pip3
$ pip3 install buildflaskapp
Package @ PyPI repository:
Ensure that you have flask installed on your environment. You can install flask using pip3 install flask.
$ buildflaskapp app_name
$ cd app_name
$ python3

Open up http://localhost:5000/ to see your Hello World app.
Args | Usage | Definition |
-d | $ buildflaskapp app_name -d | debugger mode on |
-sl3 | $ buildflaskapp app_name -sl3 | sqlite3 mode on |
-cj | $ buildflaskapp app_name -cj | import style.css and app.js |
-bs | $ buildflaskapp app_name -bs | import bootstrap cdn |
-jq | $ buildflaskapp app_name -jq | import jQuery cdn |
-gsap | $ buildflaskapp app_name -gsap | import GSAP cdn |
-fa | $ buildflaskapp app_name -fa | import Font Awesome cdn |
-dc | $ buildflaskapp app_name -dc | containerize app in docker |
Below is a list of arguments you can pass when building your flask application.
Enable Debug Mode
You can enable debug mode on while creating your flask app by using the option -d or --debugger
$ buildflaskapp app_name -d
Enable SQLite3 Mode
You can set sqlite3 configuration while creating your flask app by using the option -sl3 or --sqlite3
$ buildflaskapp app_name -sl3
Import style.css and app.js
You can import stylesheet and javascript file automatically while creating the app using -cj or --css-js option
$ buildflaskapp app_name -cj
Import bootstrap CDN
You can import bootstrap automatically via the CDN using -bs or --bootstrap option
$ buildflaskapp app_name -bs
Import jQuery CDN
You can import jQuery automatically via the CDN using -jq or --jquery option
$ buildflaskapp app_name -jq
Import Gsap CDN
You can import Gsap automatically via the CDN using -gsap or --gsap option
$ buildflaskapp app_name -gsap
Import Font Awesome CDN
You can import Font Awesome automatically via the CDN using -fa or --font-awesome option
$ buildflaskapp app_name -fa
Create Dockerfile and docker-compose script
You can push the app to a docker container instead of running it locally. Simply use -dc or --docker-container option. Please note that the image generated in Dockerfile is python:3.7-alpine. You might want to change this to the non-alpine version for big projects
$ buildflaskapp app_name -dC
Feel free to create issue in case something is not working :)