Powertools for AWS Lambda Layer
Why this project exists
This is a custom construct that will create AWS Lambda Layer with Powertools for AWS Lambda for Python or NodeJS library. There are different
ways how to create a layer and when working with CDK you need to install the library, create a zip file and wire it
correctly. With this construct you don't have to care about packaging and dependency management. Create a construct
and add it to your function. The construct is an extension of the
existing LayerVersion
from the CDK library, so you have access to all fields and methods.
⚠️ This construct uses docker to build and bundle the dependencies!
See the API for details.
import {LambdaPowertoolsLayer} from 'cdk-aws-lambda-powertools-layer';
import {RuntimeFamily } from "aws-cdk-lib/aws-lambda";
const powertoolsLayerPython = new LambdaPowertoolsLayer(this, 'TestLayer', {runtimeFamily: RuntimeFamily.PYTHON});
const powertoolsLayerNodeJS = new LambdaPowertoolsLayer(this, 'TestLayer', {runtimeFamily: RuntimeFamily.NODEJS});
from cdk_aws_lambda_powertools_layer import LambdaPowertoolsLayer
powertoolsLayer = LambdaPowertoolsLayer(self, 'PowertoolsLayer')
The layer will be created during the CDK synth
step and thus requires Docker.
npm i cdk-aws-lambda-powertools-layer
pip install cdk-aws-lambda-powertools-layer
A single line will create a layer with Powertools for AWS Lambda (Python). For NodeJS you need to specifically set the runtimeFamily: Runtime.NODEJS
from cdk_aws_lambda_powertools_layer import LambdaPowertoolsLayer
powertoolsLayer = LambdaPowertoolsLayer(self, 'PowertoolsLayer')
You can then add the layer to your funciton:
from aws_cdk import aws_lambda
aws_lambda.Function(self, 'LambdaFunction',
You can specify the powertools version by passing the optional version
paramter, otherwise the construct will take the
latest version from pypi repository.
LambdaPowertoolsLayer(self, 'PowertoolsLayer', version='1.24.0')
Additionally, powertools have extras depenedncies such as
Pydantic, documented here. This is not
included by default, and you have to set this option in the construct definition if you need it:
LambdaPowertoolsLayer(self, 'PowertoolsLayer', include_extras=True)
Full example:
from aws_cdk import Stack, aws_lambda
from cdk_aws_lambda_powertools_layer import LambdaPowertoolsLayer
from constructs import Construct
class LayerTestStack(Stack):
def __init__(self, scope: Construct, construct_id: str, **kwargs) -> None:
super().__init__(scope, construct_id, **kwargs)
powertoolsLayer = LambdaPowertoolsLayer(
self, 'PowertoolsLayer', include_extras=True, version='1.24.0')
aws_lambda.Function(self, 'LambdaFunction',
Full example for TypeScript:
import { Stack, StackProps } from 'aws-cdk-lib';
import { Construct } from 'constructs';
import { LambdaPowertoolsLayer } from 'cdk-aws-lambda-powertools-layer';
import { Code, Function, Runtime } from 'aws-cdk-lib/aws-lambda';
import * as path from 'path';
export class CdkPowertoolsExampleStack extends Stack {
constructor(scope: Construct, id: string, props?: StackProps) {
super(scope, id, props);
const powertoolsLayer = new LambdaPowertoolsLayer(this, 'TestLayer', {
version: '1.22.0',
includeExtras: true
new Function(this, 'LambdaFunction', {
code: Code.fromAsset(path.join('./function')),
handler: 'app.handler',
layers: [powertoolsLayer],