What is cdk-k3s-cluster?
is a new JSII construct library for AWS CDK that deploys a scalable Kubernetes K3s cluster on Graviton2 Arm-based (mg6 by default) Spot instances with one click command on AWS.
What problem does cdk-k3s-cluster solve?
is just another way to deploy Kubernetes (K3s
specifically) on AWS. K3s
is a minimalist Kubernetes distribution from Rancher often related to Edge and IoT use cases. There is a gazillion of articles on the Internet about how to setup K3s
on a Raspberry cluster. The great Alex Ellis has a blog post on it, for example. Since I don't have a Raspberry cluster and I was not planning to buy one I thought I'd use the power of the cloud to mimic it. The result of this experiment is that you could deploy an ephemeral, cheap Kubernetes Arm-based cluster on AWS in a matter of minutes. Unleash your imagination re how you can use it (e.g. an ephemeral cluster part of your deployment pipeline in the cloud?). Note the class today only supports Arm-based instances for deomstration purposes but can easily be adapted to support x86-based instances.
How do you deploy and consume cdk-k3s-cluster?
The cdk-k3s-cluster Cluster API
The Cluster
API available in the cdk-k3s-cluster
library, not to be confused with the Kubernetes Cluster API project, allows you to build the k3s cluster on AWS with AWS CDK. This library is currently available in both NPM
and PyPi
Creating a default cluster could be as simple as:
import * as k3s from 'cdk-k3s-cluster'
new k3s.Cluster(stack, 'Cluster')
See below for a complete example.
first deploys a Graviton2 EC2 instance (m6g.large
by default) where it starts the K3s
control plane. The kubeconfig
file generated and the K3s
token are copied to an S3 bucket. It then creates an ASG that spins up the number of Graviton2 worker nodes that you specify (3 by default - the ceiling limit is based on your account limits). These instances launch K3s
worker nodes that join the cluster by downloading the token from S3. Ultimately the CDK outputs the link to the kubeconfig
file on your private S3 bucket for you to copy it and use it with kubectl
. This construct can deploy the worker node instances using either the on-demand
or the Spot
life cycles to reduce costs further (Spot
is used by default). This construct cretes by default a new VPC but it can be configured to deploy either on the default
VPC in your account or on a specific existing VPC id.
This is a high level view of the architecture and the deployment flow described above:

This is a screenshot of the cluster creation user experience using CDK:

Once the cdk-k3s-cluster
has been deployed, this a high level view of the consumption flow:

This is an example of the cluster consumption user experience using the aws cli
(used to copy the kubeconfig
file from S3) and kubectl
$ aws s3 cp s3://k3sCluster-clusterk3sbucketxxxxxxxxxxxxx/kubeconfig.yaml .
download: s3://k3sCluster-clusterk3sbucketxxxxxxxxxxxxx/kubeconfig.yaml to ./kubeconfig.yaml
$ kubectl get nodes --kubeconfig=./kubeconfig.yaml
ip-172-31-43-198.us-west-2.compute.internal Ready master 2m49s v1.16.9+k3s1
ip-172-31-10-252.us-west-2.compute.internal Ready <none> 15s v1.16.13+k3s1
ip-172-31-18-126.us-west-2.compute.internal Ready <none> 8s v1.16.13+k3s1
ip-172-31-60-174.us-west-2.compute.internal Ready <none> 1s v1.16.13+k3s1
How does this relate to EKS
It doesn't. As noted above, cdk-k3s-cluster
is just yet another experimental and peculiar way to run Kubernetes on AWS.
What are the running costs for a cluster built with cdk-k3s-cluster?
It obviously depends how many worker nodes you deploy. If we stick to all the defaults (Spot
lifecycle and the m6g.medium
instance type with 1 Graviton2 CPU and 4GB of memory), as of August 2020 the unit cost in Oregon
is $0.0177 which translates to a unit cost of $0.1416 per 8 hours (a work day). A 3 worker nodes cluster would be $0.5664 (including the control plane) per 8 hours (or $1.6992 per 24 hours full day).
A 100 worker nodes cluster (or 101 vCPUs and 404GB of memory) would be $0.0177 x 101 = $1.7877 per hour or $0.0177 x 101 x 24 = $42.9048 per day.
This does not include, for example, the costs of the S3 bucket (probably marginal) or network traffic.
Getting started
is available in both NPM
and PyPi
modules ready to be imported into your CDK program.
I am a Typescript type of person
This is an example of how to consume the NPM
module with a CDK application written in Typescript. If you need to setup your Typescript environment this is a good guide.
$ mkdir myk3scluster-typescript
$ cd myk3scluster-typescript
$ cdk init -l typescript
$ yarn add cdk-k3s-cluster
Update your ./bin/myk3scluster-typescript.ts
file with the following content.
import * as cdk from '@aws-cdk/core';
import * as ec2 from '@aws-cdk/aws-ec2';
import * as k3s from 'cdk-k3s-cluster';
const app = new cdk.App();
const env = {
region: app.node.tryGetContext('region') || process.env.CDK_INTEG_REGION || process.env.CDK_DEFAULT_REGION,
account: app.node.tryGetContext('account') || process.env.CDK_INTEG_ACCOUNT || process.env.CDK_DEFAULT_ACCOUNT
const stack = new cdk.Stack(app, 'k8sCluster', { env })
new k3s.Cluster(stack, 'Cluster', {
vpc: k3s.VpcProvider.getOrCreate(stack),
spotWorkerNodes: true,
workerMinCapacity: 3,
workerInstanceType: new ec2.InstanceType('m6g.medium'),
controlPlaneInstanceType: new ec2.InstanceType('m6g.medium')
bucketRemovalPolicy: cdk.RemovalPolicy.DESTROY
In this typescript
example, we are using all of the properties available today. Note that we set the bucket removal policy to DESTROY
(this will remove completely the S3 bucket - the safe default behavior is to leave the bucket in the account). For an up to date list of all the properties please refer to the API.md
file in this repo.
I am a Python type of person
This is an example of how to consume the PyPi
module with a CDK application written in Typescript. If you need to setup your Python environment this is a good guide.
$ mkdir myk3scluster-python
$ cd myk3scluster-python
$ cdk init -l python
$ source .env/bin/activate
$ pip install cdk-k3s-cluster
Update your ./app.py
file with the following content. Note how, in this example, we are only using two of the parameters available. To use all the defaults you could use cluster = k3s.Cluster(self, "MyK3sClusters")
from aws_cdk import core
import cdk_k3s_cluster as k3s
class K3sCluster(core.Stack):
def __init__(self, scope: core.Construct, id: str, **kwargs):
super().__init__(scope, id, **kwargs)
k3s.Cluster(self, "MyK3sClusters", worker_min_capacity=5, spot_worker_nodes=True)
app = core.App()
K3sCluster(app, "K3sCluster")
Deploying the stack (regardless of the language you have used)
deploy the CDK stack:
$ cdk diff
$ cdk deploy
If you want to deploy in an existing VPC use either cdk deploy --context use_default_vpc=1
or cdk deploy --context use_vpc_id=<vpc id>
Clean up
Cleaning up the environment is as easy as running cdk destroy
from where you left your prompt.
Known issues and limitations
- First and foremost this is a learning experiment. We have done limited tests with it.
- We have not tested this beyond a mere
kubectl get nodes
test. Let alone trying anything like arkade cdk-k3s-cluster
only deploys Arm-based instances. It would be trivial to add x86 based instances support but it's not there today- All the control plane and worker nodes are deployed in public subnets and the SGs are fairly permissive in terms of "source". Picking private subnets would have probably broken the use case of deploying into the
VPC (which is handy). This prototype over-indexes more on deployment convenience and ease of use than on best practices. Be mindful of that - The control plane instance always deploys
while for worker nodes you can pick between on-demand
and Spot
- The ASG for worker nodes is configured with a single parameter that becomes the
, max
and desired
count for the ASG - For simplicity, both the control plane instance and the worker nodes share the same instance type
This library has been authored by Massimo and Pahud.