Migration scripts for migrating multibeam metadata from MB schema to CRUISE schema.
Usage: Migration Instructions
- Create a python file and import the
package. - Create an instance of the "Migrator" class, passing in the path to your config file as the only parameter.
- Run the "migrate" method.
- An example run and start_background shell script is provided, which should be used to run the python script in the background.
- The package and it's dependencies will need to be installed prior to usage. This can be done with
python -m pip install ci-cmg-mb-cruise-migration
NOTE: if enabling pooled connections for cruise db in config, oracle client libraries need to also be installed:
Developing Project
Setup virtual environment
- setup virtualenv
- specify python installation for virtualenv to use
- activate the virtual environment
- verify python version and virtualenv
- install required modules
- verify they were installed with pip list
- deactivate the virtual environment
virtualenv migenv
virtualenv --python=</path/to/python> </path/to/new/virtualenv/>
source ./migenv/bin/activate
python which
python -V
python -m pip install --upgrade pip
python -m pip install -r requirements.txt
pip list
run tests
Many (most) tests are integration tests and require either one or both the MB or CRUISE schema docker
containers be running.
To start docker containers:
from test dir:
To run tests:
from project root:
python -m unittest discover tests
To stop docker containers:
from test dir:
build project
- Update version in pyproject.toml either before or after release.
- If not already installed:
python -m pip install --upgrade build
- Build distribution:
python -m build
- If not already installed:
python -m pip install --upgrade twine
- Upload to pypi:
twine upload dist/*