
The motivation for this package is to contain weather maps relevant to the weather and climate community. There are many colormaps that are unique to the weather/climate community that are not included in core libraries such as matplotlib. This is also meant to be a community collaboration, across multiple domain-specific packages (ex. MetPy, GeoCAT, Py-ART). It is lightweight, easy to install, and we encourage contributions from across the community!
While not all of the colormaps are color vision deficiency (CVD) friendly, we do include CVD friendly colormaps, and encourage users to use these when possible.
cmweather can be found on both PyPI and conda-forge, installable using
mamba install cmweather
pip install cmweather
Development Installation
For a development install, do the following in the repository directory:
conda env update -f ci/environment.yml
conda activate cmweather-dev
python -m pip install -e .
Also, please install pre-commit
hooks from the root directory of the created project by running:
pre-commit install