Couchbase Python Columnar Client
Python client for Couchbase Columnar
Currently Python 3.8 - Python 3.12 is supported.
The Columnar SDK supports static typing. Currently only mypy is supported. You mileage may vary (YMMV) with the use of other static type checkers (e.g. pyright).
Installing the SDK
Wheels are provided for linux, MacOS and Windows environments for supported Python versions (currently Python 3.8 - Python 3.12).
Note: It is strongly recommended to update pip, setuptools and wheel prior to installing the SDK: python3 -m pip install --upgrade pip setuptools wheel
Install the SDK via pip
python3 -m pip install couchbase-columnar
Installing the SDK from source
If a compatible wheel is not available, the SDK's binary will need to be built from source:
- Follow the steps on the BUILDING page
- After the build succeeds, the SDK can be used by running Python scripts from within the cloned repository or the SDK can be installed via pip:
python3 -m pip install <path to cloned repository>
- Install the
dependency: python3 -m pip install typing-extensions
Using the SDK
Some more examples are provided in the examples directory.
Connecting and executing a query
from couchbase_columnar.cluster import Cluster
from couchbase_columnar.credential import Credential
from couchbase_columnar.options import QueryOptions
def main() -> None:
connstr = 'couchbases://--your-instance--'
username = 'username'
pw = 'Password!123'
cred = Credential.from_username_and_password(username, pw)
cluster = Cluster.create_instance(connstr, cred)
statement = 'SELECT * FROM `travel-sample`.inventory.airline LIMIT 10;'
res = cluster.execute_query(statement)
all_rows = res.get_all_rows()
for row in all_rows:
print(f'Found row: {row}')
statement = 'SELECT * FROM `travel-sample`.inventory.airline WHERE country="United States" LIMIT 10;'
res = cluster.execute_query(statement)
for row in res.rows():
print(f'Found row: {row}')
statement = 'SELECT * FROM `travel-sample`.inventory.airline WHERE country=$1 LIMIT $2;'
res = cluster.execute_query(statement, QueryOptions(positional_parameters=['United States', 10]))
for row in res:
print(f'Found row: {row}')
statement = 'SELECT * FROM `travel-sample`.inventory.airline WHERE country=$country LIMIT $limit;'
res = cluster.execute_query(statement, QueryOptions(named_parameters={'country': 'United States',
'limit': 10}))
for row in res.rows():
print(f'Found row: {row}')
if __name__ == '__main__':
Using the async API
from acouchbase_columnar import get_event_loop
from acouchbase_columnar.cluster import AsyncCluster
from couchbase_columnar.credential import Credential
from couchbase_columnar.options import QueryOptions
async def main() -> None:
connstr = 'couchbases://--your-instance--'
username = 'username'
pw = 'Password!123'
cred = Credential.from_username_and_password(username, pw)
cluster = AsyncCluster.create_instance(connstr, cred)
statement = 'SELECT * FROM `travel-sample`.inventory.airline LIMIT 10;'
res = await cluster.execute_query(statement)
all_rows = await res.get_all_rows()
for row in all_rows:
print(f'Found row: {row}')
statement = 'SELECT * FROM `travel-sample`.inventory.airline WHERE country="United States" LIMIT 10;'
res = await cluster.execute_query(statement)
async for row in res.rows():
print(f'Found row: {row}')
statement = 'SELECT * FROM `travel-sample`.inventory.airline WHERE country=$1 LIMIT $2;'
res = await cluster.execute_query(statement, QueryOptions(positional_parameters=['United States', 10]))
async for row in res:
print(f'Found row: {row}')
statement = 'SELECT * FROM `travel-sample`.inventory.airline WHERE country=$country LIMIT $limit;'
res = await cluster.execute_query(statement, QueryOptions(named_parameters={'country': 'United States',
'limit': 10}))
async for row in res.rows():
print(f'Found row: {row}')
if __name__ == '__main__':
loop = get_event_loop()