CrateDB Toolkit

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| CrateDB
This software package includes a range of modules and subsystems to work
with CrateDB and CrateDB Cloud efficiently.
You can use CrateDB Toolkit to run data I/O procedures and automation tasks
of different kinds around CrateDB and CrateDB Cloud. It can be used both as
a standalone program, and as a library.
It aims for DWIM-like usefulness and UX, and provides CLI and HTTP
interfaces, and others.
Please note that the cratedb-toolkit
package contains alpha-, beta- and
incubation-quality code, and as such, is considered to be a work in progress.
Contributions of all kinds are much welcome, in order to make it more solid,
and to add features.
Breaking changes should be expected until a 1.0 release, so version pinning is
strongly recommended, especially when using it as a library.
Install package.
pip install --upgrade cratedb-toolkit
Verify installation.
ctk --version
Run with Docker.
alias ctk="docker run --rm ctk"
ctk --version
Contributions are very much welcome. Please visit the
documentation to learn about how to spin up a sandbox environment on your
workstation, or create a ticket to report a bug or share an idea
about a possible feature.