/emulations | List of emulations | GET ,DELETE |
/emulations?ids=true&token=<valid_token> | List of emulation ids only (fast to fetch) | GET ,DELETE |
/emulations/<emulation_id>?token=<valid_token> | Individual emulation | GET ,DELETE , POST (for start/stop) |
/emulations/<emulation_id>/executions?token=<valid_token> | List of executions | GET ,DELETE |
/emulations/<emulation_id>/executions/<execution_id>?token=<valid_token> | Individual execution | GET ,DELETE |
/emulations/<emulation_id>/executions/<execution_id>/monitor/<minutes>?token=<valid_token> | Get last X minutes of data from an execution | GET |
/simulations?token=<valid_token> | List of simulations | GET ,DELETE |
/simulations?ids=true&token=<valid_token> | List of simulation ids only (fast to fetch) | GET ,DELETE |
/simulations/<simulation_id>?token=<valid_token> | Individual simulation | GET ,DELETE |
/cadvisor?token=<valid_token> | Starts/stops or gets status cadvisor | GET ,POST |
/pgadmin?token=<valid_token> | Starts/stops or gets status of pgadmin | GET ,POST |
/nodeexporter?token=<valid_token> | Starts/stops or gets status of nodeexporter | GET ,POST |
/grafana?token=<valid_token> | Starts/stops or gets status of grafana | GET , POST |
/clusterstatuses?token=<valid_token> | Gets the status of management services of the cluster | GET |
/prometheus?token=<valid_token> | Starts/stops or gets status of prometheus | GET ,POST |
/postgresql?token=<valid_token> | Starts/stops or gets status of postgresql | GET ,POST |
/docker?token=<valid_token> | Starts/stops or gets status of docker engine | GET ,POST |
/nginx?token=<valid_token> | Starts/stops or gets status of nginx | GET ,POST |
/flask?token=<valid_token> | Starts/stops or gets status of flask | GET ,POST |
/alpha-vec-policies?token=<valid_token> | List of alpha vector policies | GET ,DELETE |
/alpha-vec-policies?ids=true&token=<valid_token> | List of alpha vector policy ids only (fast to fetch) | GET ,DELETE |
/alpha-vec-policies/<policy_id>?token=<valid_token> | Individual alpha vector policy | GET ,DELETE |
/dqn-policies?token=<valid_token> | List of DQN policies | GET ,DELETE |
/dqn-policies?ids=true&token=<valid_token> | List of DQN policy ids only (fast to fetch) | GET ,DELETE |
/dqn-policies/<policy_id>?token=<valid_token> | Individual DQN policy | GET ,DELETE |
/ppo-policies?token=<valid_token> | List of PPO policies | GET ,DELETE |
/ppo-policies?ids=true&token=<valid_token> | List of PPO policy ids only (fast to fetch) | GET ,DELETE |
/ppo-policies/<policy_id>?token=<valid_token> | Individual PPO policy | GET ,DELETE |
/vector-policies?token=<valid_token> | List of vector policies | GET ,DELETE |
/vector-policies?ids=true&token=<valid_token> | List of vector policy ids only (fast to fetch) | GET ,DELETE |
/vector-policies/<policy_id>?token=<valid_token> | Individual vector policy | GET ,DELETE |
/tabular-policies?token=<valid_token> | List of tabular policies | GET ,DELETE |
/tabular-policies?ids=true&token=<valid_token> | List of tabular policy ids only (fast to fetch) | GET ,DELETE |
/tabular-policies/<policy_id>?token=<valid_token> | Individual tabular policy | GET ,DELETE |
/multi-threshold-policies?token=<valid_token> | List of multi-threshold policies | GET ,DELETE |
/multi-threshold-policies?ids=true&token=<valid_token> | List of multi-threshold policy ids only (fast to fetch) | GET ,DELETE |
/multi-threshold-policies/<policy_id>?token=<valid_token> | Individual multi-threshold policy | GET ,DELETE |
/linear-threshold-policies?token=<valid_token> | List of linear threshold policies | GET ,DELETE |
/linear-threshold-policies?ids=true&token=<valid_token> | List of linear threshold policy ids only (fast to fetch) | GET ,DELETE |
/linear-threshold-policies/<policy_id>?token=<valid_token> | Individual linear threshold policy | GET ,DELETE |
/fnn-w-softmax-policies?token=<valid_token> | List of fnn-w-softmax policies | GET ,DELETE |
/fnn-w-softmax-policies?ids=true&token=<valid_token> | List of fnn-w-softmax policy ids only (fast to fetch) | GET ,DELETE |
/fnn-w-softmax-policies/<policy_id>?token=<valid_token> | Individual fnn-w-softmax policy | GET ,DELETE |
/training-jobs?token=<valid_token> | List of training jobs | GET ,DELETE |
/training-jobs?ids=true&token=<valid_token> | List of training job ids only (fast to fetch) | GET ,DELETE |
/training-jobs/<job_id>?token=<valid_token> | Individual training job | GET ,DELETE , POST (for start/stop) |
/data-collection-jobs?token=<valid_token> | List of data-collection jobs | GET ,DELETE |
/data-collection-jobs?ids=true&token=<valid_token> | List of data-collection job ids only (fast to fetch) | GET ,DELETE |
/data-collection-jobs/<job_id>?token=<valid_token> | Individual data-collection job | GET ,DELETE , POST (for start/stop) |
/system-identification-jobs?token=<valid_token> | List of system-identification jobs | GET ,DELETE |
/system-identification-jobs?ids=true&token=<valid_token> | List of system-identification job ids only (fast to fetch) | GET ,DELETE |
/system-identification-jobs/<job_id>?token=<valid_token> | Individual system-identification job | GET ,DELETE , POST (for start/stop) |
/emulation-traces?token=<valid_token> | List of emulation traces | GET ,DELETE |
/emulation-traces?ids=true&token=<valid_token> | List of emulation trace ids only (fast to fetch) | GET ,DELETE |
/emulation-traces/<trace_id>?token=<valid_token> | Individual emulation trace | GET ,DELETE |
/simulation-traces?token=<valid_token> | List of simulation traces | GET ,DELETE |
/simulation-traces?ids=true&token=<valid_token> | List of simulation trace ids only (fast to fetch) | GET ,DELETE |
/simulation-traces/<trace_id>?token=<valid_token> | Individual simulation trace | GET ,DELETE |
/emulation-simulation-traces?token=<valid_token> | List of emulation-simulation traces | GET ,DELETE |
/emulation-simulation-traces?ids=true&token=<valid_token> | List of emulation-simulation trace ids only (fast to fetch) | GET ,DELETE |
/emulation-simulation-traces/<trace_id>?token=<valid_token> | Individual emulation-simulation trace | GET ,DELETE |
/images?token=<valid_token> | List of Docker images | GET |
/file?token=<valid_token> | Reads a given file from disk | POST |
/experiments?token=<valid_token> | List of experiments | GET ,DELETE |
/experiments?ids=true&token=<valid_token> | List of experiment ids only (fast to fetch) | GET ,DELETE |
/experiments/<trace_id>?token=<valid_token> | Individual experiment | GET ,DELETE |
/sdn-controllers?token=<valid_token> | List of SDN controllers | GET ,DELETE |
/sdn-controllers?ids=true&token=<valid_token> | List of SDN controller ids only (fast to fetch) | GET ,DELETE |
/emulation-statistics?token=<valid_token> | List of emulation statistics | GET ,DELETE |
/emulation-statistics?ids=true&token=<valid_token> | List of emulation statistic ids only (fast to fetch) | GET ,DELETE |
/emulation-statistics/<trace_id>?token=<valid_token> | Individual emulation statistic | GET ,DELETE |
/gaussian-mixture-system-models?token=<valid_token> | List of gaussian mixture system-models | GET ,DELETE |
/gaussian-mixture-system-models?ids=true&token=<valid_token> | List of gaussian mixture system-model ids only (fast to fetch) | GET ,DELETE |
/gaussian-mixture-system-models/<trace_id>?token=<valid_token> | Individual gaussian mixture system model | GET ,DELETE |
/empirical-system-models?token=<valid_token> | List of empirical system-models | GET ,DELETE |
/empirical-system-models?ids=true&token=<valid_token> | List of empirical system-model ids only (fast to fetch) | GET ,DELETE |
/empirical-system-models/<trace_id>?token=<valid_token> | Individual empirical system model | GET ,DELETE |
/mcmc-system-models?token=<valid_token> | List of mcmc system-models | GET ,DELETE |
/mcmc-system-models?ids=true&token=<valid_token> | List of mcmc system-model ids only (fast to fetch) | GET ,DELETE |
/mcmc-system-models/<trace_id>?token=<valid_token> | Individual mcmc system model | GET ,DELETE |
/gp-system-models?token=<valid_token> | List of gp system-models | GET ,DELETE |
/gp-system-models?ids=true&token=<valid_token> | List of gp system-model ids only (fast to fetch) | GET ,DELETE |
/gp-system-models/<model_id>?token=<valid_token> | Individual gp system model | GET ,DELETE |
/system-models?ids=true&token=<valid_token> | List of all system model ids (fast to fetch) | GET |
/login | Login and generate new token (credentials as payload) | POST |
/traces-datasets?token=<valid_token> | List of traces datasets | GET ,DELETE |
/traces-datasets?ids=true&token=<valid_token> | List of traces datasets ids only (fast to fetch) | GET ,DELETE |
/traces-datasets/<traces_datasets_id>?token=<valid_token> | Individual traces dataset | GET ,DELETE |
/traces-datasets/<traces_datasets_id>?token=<valid_token>&download=true | Downloads and individual traces dataset | GET |
/statistics-datasets?token=<valid_token> | List of statistics datasets | GET ,DELETE |
/statistics-datasets?ids=true&token=<valid_token> | List of statistics datasets ids only (fast to fetch) | GET ,DELETE |
/statistics-datasets/<statistics_datasets_id>?token=<valid_token> | Individual statistics dataset | GET ,DELETE |
/statistics-datasets/<statistics_datasets_id>?token=<valid_token>&download=true | Downloads and individual statistics dataset | GET |
/emulation-executions?token=<valid_token> | List of emulation executions | GET ,DELETE |
/emulation-executions?ids=true&token=<valid_token> | List of emulation execution ids only (fast to fetch) | GET ,DELETE |
/emulation-executions/<execution_id>?token=<valid_token> | Individual emulation execution | GET ,DELETE |
/emulation-executions/<execution_id>/info?token=<valid_token>&emulation=<emulation> | Runtime information about an emulation execution | GET |
/emulation-executions/<execution_id>/docker-stats-manager?token=<valid_token>&emulation=<emulation> | Start/stop docker stats manager of an emulation execution | POST |
/emulation-executions/<execution_id>/docker-stats-monitor?token=<valid_token>&emulation=<emulation> | Start/stop docker stats monitor of an emulation execution | POST |
/emulation-executions/<execution_id>/client-manager?token=<valid_token>&emulation=<emulation> | Start/stop client manager of an emulation execution | POST |
/emulation-executions/<execution_id>/client-population?token=<valid_token>&emulation=<emulation> | Start/stop client population of an emulation execution | POST |
/emulation-executions/<execution_id>/client-producer?token=<valid_token>&emulation=<emulation> | Start/stop client producer of an emulation execution | POST |
/emulation-executions/<execution_id>/kafka-manager?token=<valid_token>&emulation=<emulation> | Start/stop Kafka manager of an emulation execution | POST |
/emulation-executions/<execution_id>/kafka?token=<valid_token>&emulation=<emulation> | Start/stop Kafka of an emulation execution | POST |
/emulation-executions/<execution_id>/snort-ids-manager?token=<valid_token>&emulation=<emulation> | Start/stop Snort manager of an emulation execution | POST |
/emulation-executions/<execution_id>/snort-ids-monitor?token=<valid_token>&emulation=<emulation> | Start/stop Snort monitor of an emulation execution | POST |
/emulation-executions/<execution_id>/snort-ids?token=<valid_token>&emulation=<emulation> | Start/stop Snort on an emulation execution | POST |
/emulation-executions/<execution_id>/ossec-ids-manager?token=<valid_token>&emulation=<emulation> | Start/stop OSSEC IDS manager of an emulation execution | POST |
/emulation-executions/<execution_id>/ossec-ids?token=<valid_token>&emulation=<emulation> | Start/stop OSSEC IDS of an emulation execution | POST |
/emulation-executions/<execution_id>/ossec-ids-monitor?token=<valid_token>&emulation=<emulation> | Start/stop OSSEC IDS monitor of an emulation execution | POST |
/emulation-executions/<execution_id>/host-manager?token=<valid_token>&emulation=<emulation> | Start/stop Host managers of an emulation execution | POST |
/emulation-executions/<execution_id>/host-monitor?token=<valid_token>&emulation=<emulation> | Start/stop Host monitors of an emulation execution | POST |
/emulation-executions/<execution_id>/elk-manager?token=<valid_token>&emulation=<emulation> | Start/stop ELK managers of an emulation execution | POST |
/emulation-executions/<execution_id>/elastic?token=<valid_token>&emulation=<emulation> | Start/stop Elasticsearch on an emulation execution | POST |
/emulation-executions/<execution_id>/logstash?token=<valid_token>&emulation=<emulation> | Start/stop Logstash on an emulation execution | POST |
/emulation-executions/<execution_id>/kibana?token=<valid_token>&emulation=<emulation> | Start/stop Kibana on an emulation execution | POST |
/emulation-executions/<execution_id>/container?token=<valid_token>&emulation=<emulation> | Start/stop container of an emulation execution | POST |
/emulation-executions/<execution_id>/elk-stack?token=<valid_token>&emulation=<emulation> | Start/stop ELK stack of an emulation execution | POST |
/emulation-executions/<execution_id>/traffic-generator?token=<valid_token>&emulation=<emulation> | Start/stop traffic generators of an emulation execution | POST |
/emulation-executions/<execution_id>/filebeat?token=<valid_token>&emulation=<emulation> | Start/stop filebeats of an emulation execution | POST |
/emulation-executions/<execution_id>/packetbeat?token=<valid_token>&emulation=<emulation> | Start/stop packetbeats of an emulation execution | POST |
/emulation-executions/<execution_id>/metricbeat?token=<valid_token>&emulation=<emulation> | Start/stop metricbeats of an emulation execution | POST |
/emulation-executions/<execution_id>/ryu-manager?token=<valid_token>&emulation=<emulation> | Start/stop ryu manager of an emulation execution | POST |
/emulation-executions/<execution_id>/ryu-monitor?token=<valid_token>&emulation=<emulation> | Start/stop ryu monitor of an emulation execution | POST |
/emulation-executions/<execution_id>/ryu-controller?token=<valid_token>&emulation=<emulation> | Start/stop ryu controller of an emulation execution | POST |
/emulation-executions/<execution_id>/switches?token=<valid_token>&emulation=<emulation> | List of SDN switches | GET |
/users?token=<valid_token> | Get/Update/Delete List of users | GET ,DELETE , PUT |
/users?ids=true&token=<valid_token> | List of user ids only (fast to fetch) | GET ,DELETE |
/users/<user_id>?token=<valid_token> | Get/update/delete individual user | GET ,DELETE , PUT |
/users/create | Create a new user | POST |
/logs?token=<valid_token> | Get list of log files from the log dir | GET |
/logs/docker-stats-manager?token=<valid_token> | Get logs of the docker stats manager | GET |
/logs/prometheus?token=<valid_token> | Get logs of Prometheus | GET |
/logs/grafana?token=<valid_token> | Get logs of Grafana | GET |
/logs/nginx?token=<valid_token> | Get logs of Nginx | GET |
/logs/postgresql?token=<valid_token> | Get logs of PostgreSQL | GET |
/logs/docker?token=<valid_token> | Get logs of Docker engine | GET |
/logs/flask?token=<valid_token> | Get logs of Flask | GET |
/logs/clustermanager?token=<valid_token> | Get logs of the Cluster manager | GET |
/logs/cadvisor?token=<valid_token> | Get logs of CAdvisor | GET |
/logs/pgadmin?token=<valid_token> | Get logs of pgAdmin | GET |
/logs/container?token=<valid_token>&container=<container_name> | Get logs of a specific container | POST |
/logs/node-exporter?token=<valid_token> | Get logs of node-exporter | GET |
/logs/client-manager?token=<valid_token>&emulation=<emulation_name>&executionid=<execution_id> | Get logs of a specific client manager | POST |
/logs/kafka-manager?token=<valid_token>&emulation=<emulation_name>&executionid=<execution_id> | Get logs of a specific Kafka manager | POST |
/logs/elk-manager?token=<valid_token>&emulation=<emulation_name>&executionid=<execution_id> | Get logs of a specific ELK manager | POST |
/logs/ryu-manager?token=<valid_token>&emulation=<emulation_name>&executionid=<execution_id> | Get logs of a specific Ryu manager | POST |
/logs/traffic-manager?token=<valid_token>&emulation=<emulation_name>&executionid=<execution_id> | Get logs of a specific traffic manager | POST |
/logs/snort-ids-manager?token=<valid_token>&emulation=<emulation_name>&executionid=<execution_id> | Get logs of a specific Snort IDS manager | POST |
/logs/ossec-ids-manager?token=<valid_token>&emulation=<emulation_name>&executionid=<execution_id> | Get logs of a specific OSSEC IDS manager | POST |
/logs/host-manager?token=<valid_token>&emulation=<emulation_name>&executionid=<execution_id> | Get logs of a specific host manager | POST |
/logs/ossec-ids?token=<valid_token>&emulation=<emulation_name>&executionid=<execution_id> | Get logs of a specific OSSEC IDS | POST |
/logs/snort-ids?token=<valid_token>&emulation=<emulation_name>&executionid=<execution_id> | Get logs of a specific Snort IDS | POST |
/logs/kafka?token=<valid_token>&emulation=<emulation_name>&executionid=<execution_id> | Get logs of a specific Kafka server | POST |
/logs/elk-stack?token=<valid_token>&emulation=<emulation_name>&executionid=<execution_id> | Get logs of a specific ELK stack | POST |
/logs/ryu-controller?token=<valid_token>&emulation=<emulation_name>&executionid=<execution_id> | Get logs of a specific Ryu controller | POST |
/config?token=<valid_token> | Get/Update system configuration | GET ,PUT |
/config/registration-allowed | Get registration policy | GET |
/version | Get the version of CSLE management system | GET |
/about-page | Get the about page | GET |
/login-page | Get the login page | GET |
/server-cluster-page | Get the server-cluster page | GET |
/register-page | Get the register page | GET |
/emulation-statistics-page | Get the emulation-statistics | GET |
/emulations-page | Get the emulation page | GET |
/images-page | Get the images page | GET |
/downloads-page | Get the downloads page | GET |
/jobs-page | Get the jobs page | GET |
/monitoring-page | Get the monitoring page | GET |
/policies-page | Get the policies page | GET |
/policy-examination-page | Get the policy-examination page | GET |
/sdn-controllers-page | Get the SDN-controllers page | GET |
/control-plane-page | Get the control-plane page | GET |
/user-admin-page | Get the user administration page | GET |
/system-admin-page | Get the system administration page | GET |
/logs-admin-page | Get the logs administration page | GET |
/simulations-page | Get the simulations page | GET |
/system-models-page | Get the system models page | GET |
/traces-page | Get the traces page | GET |
/training-page | Get the training page | GET |
/container-terminal-page | Get the container-terminal page | GET |
/server-cluster?token=<valid_token> | Get details of the server cluster | GET |
/create-emulation?token=<valid_token> | Create a new emulation configuration | POST |
/create-emulation-page | Get the create emulation page | GET |