Welcome to the DAS Python package
The Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research has its data management system to help scientists archive and access their data. This tool is called: Data Archive System (DAS) and this package is its Python client.
NOTE: This package requires Python 3.11 and plus
To install using pip
$ pip install daspython
To install this package locally use the following commands:
Create a virtual environment first:
Install virtualenv if not installed.
$ pip install virtualenv
Create the virtual enviroment
$ virtualenv .venv
Activate your virtual environment (for Windows)
$ .\.venv\Scripts\activate.ps1
Deactivate your virtual environment (for Windows)
$ deactivate
Now install the dependencies
$ pip install -r .\requirements.txt
The best way to see how each method is used is visiting out automated test scripts page.
Use this class to authenticate and keep your token that will be needed to use with all other service classes.
from daspython.auth.authenticate import DasAuth
auth = DasAuth('DAS url', 'Your user name', 'Your password')
if (auth.authenticate()):
print('You are connected ...')
Unit Tests
python -m unittest tests/test_something.py
Deploying this package:
$ pip install twine
Install twine
twine upload dist/*
Than follow the instructions to publish/upload the distribution files to pypi.org