This is a tool to visualize the colulmn level lineage of dbt models. It uses the manifest.json
and catalog.json
files generated by dbt to create a graph of the lineage of the models. It is a web application that uses a Flask backend and a Next.js frontend.

Install dbt-column-lineage using pip:
pip install dbt-column-lineage
Run the following command:
# go to your dbt project directory
cd your-dbt-project/
# edit your model file
vi models/test.sql
# generate the manifest.json and catalog.json files
dbt docs generate
# set the environment variable for the dialect you are using
export SQLGLOT_DIALECT=snowflake
# Launch dbt-column-lineage with test.sql as the initial model
dbt-coloumn-lineage run-params
To develop the application, you will need to run the backend and frontend separately.
git clone git@github.com:Oisix/dbt-column-lineage.git
cd dbt-column-lineage
for backend
activate venv and run the following commands:
python3 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install --upgrade pip
pip install -r requirements.txt
uvicorn --app-dir src dbt_column_lineage.main:app --port=5000 --reload
for frontend
run the following commands:
npm install
npm run dev
after the frontend is running,
Let's access http://localhost:3000
for Looker integration (optional)
If you want to integrate with Looker, you can use the following commands:
# set the environment variables
export LOOKERSDK_CLIENT_ID=(your client id)
export LOOKERSDK_CLIENT_SECRET=(your client secret)
export LOOKERSDK_BASE_URL=(your looker base url)
export LOOKER_IGNORE_FOLDERS=(comma separated list of folders to ignore)
export LOOKER_IGNORE_ELEMENTS=(comma separated list of dashboard elements to ignore)
# it analyze the looker models, target/dashboad_analysis.json will be created
python tools/looker_analyzer.py
# rerun the backend
uvicorn --app-dir src dbt_column_lineage.main:app --port=5000 --reload
for Google OAuth login test (optional)
If you want to test the OAuth login, you can use the following commands:
export GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID=(your client id)
export GOOGLE_CLIENT_SECRET=(your client secret)
docker build -t test .