CI Status
The main DeployV goal is to have a set of tools for working with dockerized Odoo instances as a library or command line
interface using a simple json formatted config files.
It is planned that in further versions will be an Odoo integration so the whole configuration
process can be done directly in the instance and deployed to the corresponding server (this would be configurable too)
using RabbitMQ for messaging. This graphical interface development is done in
the Orchest repository.
Getting started
Before installing the library you will need to have the following installed:
- build-essential
- python-setuptools
- python-dev
- libpq-dev
- libffi-dev
This can be performed executing the following:
$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get install build-essential python-setuptools python-dev libpq-dev libffi-dev
All Python dependencies are listed in the requirements.txt and will be installed when you run:
$ python install
Notice that you must have docker and PostgreSQL installed on your system, if not you can install docker following the
official documentation and you can use the a PostgreSQL container
(vauxoo/docker-postgresql), run it:
$ docker run -d -p -p --name odoo_psql vauxoo/docker-postgresql:latest /entry_point start
The port 5136 is used to avoid conflict with any postgres running instance. It is attached to the docker interface and
the loopback so it is accessible from the container and the host only,
the --name parameter is optional and can be changed to your needs. To see a detailed description of the parameters
go to docker cli documentation page.
Note: This have been tested with docker 1.7.1 only
Testing the installation
In the test folder you can find a sample configuration file names config.json this file uses a
docker test image that have some public repositories and Odoo 8.0.
Run the create command:
$ deployvcmd create -f /path/to/tests/config.json -l DEBUG -z /any/path
Notice that the backup must start with customer_id if you specify a directory, if you specify a specific file only then
the name format does not matter.
Basic commands
The image for the instance can be created by:
$ deployvcmd build -u -v 8.0
And it will create a docker image using Odoo 8.0 and will install all dependencies from the requirements.txt and oca_dependencies.txt, if you wish to build from
a development branch just do:
$ deployvcmd build -u -b my_dev_branch -v 8.0
As you can see in the test section you can easily create an Odoo instance using the command line, but also generate
a backup from it:
$ deployvcmd backupdb -f /path/to/tests/config.json -z ./backup/path -d database_name_to_backup
Or you can create a backup from an instance in a container:
$ deployvcmd backupdb -n container_name -z ./backup/path -d database_name_to_backup
I will generate a compressed file in ./backup/path with a database dump, attachments and a json file with the
instance branches info.
To restore the generated dump just have to execute:
$ deployvcmd restore -f /path/to/tests/config.json -z ./backup/path
Also, if you want to restore it to a dockerized instance:
$ deployvcmd restore -n container_name -z ./backup/path
This will search the best best backup to restore or if you wish to specify one:
$ deployvcmd restore -f /path/to/tests/config.json -z ./backup/path/backup_file.tar.bz2
The database name is generated automatically, but you can change this behaviour too:
$ deployvcmd restore -f /path/to/tests/config.json -z ./backup/path/backup_file.tar.bz2 -d specific_database_name
Anonymize data
This functionality is based on Postgresql Anonymizer Extension.
The extension must be installed in host/container where database is located, by executing (as root user):
# apt install pgxnclient build-essential postgresql-server-dev-kk
# pgxn install postgresql_anonymizer
where kk
its postgresql version (according to host/container), like: 9.6, 10, 11, etc,
Also, odoo
user (in database) must have superuser privilege (in order to create and activate extension, create schema and functions):
In deactivate step, anonymization of data could be executed. For that, create a file /etc/deployv/deactivate/anon_operations.csv
as indicated by internal documentation.