BaseTestCase is a collection of cheater methods for the Django TestCase. They are extensions of the Django TestCase. These came about as a result of learning and using TDD.
There are four different classes:
- ModelTestCase
- FormTestCase
- ViewTestCase
- FunctionalTestCase
- For use with Selenium.
- Origins and some methods from "Obey The Testing Goat".
To install:
pip install django-basetestcase
To use in a test:
from basetestcase import ModelTestCase
Please check out the source code for details. Documentation will be coming bit by bit. Any suggestions or issues, please let me know.
This was built using Python 3.7 and Django 2.1.7. Anything prior to that has no guarantees.
What's new?
FormTestCase Now has a formset_error_test
FunctionalTestCase now accepts xpath