Security News
Fluent Assertions Faces Backlash After Abandoning Open Source Licensing
Fluent Assertions is facing backlash after dropping the Apache license for a commercial model, leaving users blindsided and questioning contributor rights.
Advanced tools
A collection of tools to render, export and inspect Django Querysets.
.. image:: :target:
A collection of tools to:
- count and trace db queries for debugging purposes or to optimize them
- render a Queryset (or a list of dictionaries) in various formats
- export a Queryset to a spreadsheet
- inspect the SQL activity happening under the hood of a Django project
- and more ...
.. contents::
.. sectnum::
pip install django-query-inspector
Add "query_inspector" to your INSTALLED_APPS setting like this::
INSTALLED_APPS = [ ... 'query_inspector', ]
Add "QueryCountMiddleware" to your MIDDLEWARE setting like this::
MIDDLEWARE = [ ... 'query_inspector.middleware.QueryCountMiddleware', ]
Optionally, include styles in your base template::
Optional dependencies:
Running the unit tests from your project::
python test -v 2 query_inspector --settings=query_inspector.tests.test_settings
Running the unit tests from your local fork::
cd django-query-inspector
coverage run --source='.'
coverage report
A middleware that prints DB query counts in Django's runserver console output (only in DEBUG mode).
Adapted from: Django Querycount <>
by Brad Montgomery
=========================== ============================================================================================= Setting Meaning
IGNORE_ALL_REQUESTS Disables query count IGNORE_REQUEST_PATTERNS A list of regexp patterns to bypass matching requests IGNORE_SQL_PATTERNS A list of regexp patterns to bypass matching queries THRESHOLDS How many queries are interpreted as high or medium (and the color-coded output) DISPLAY_ALL Trace all queries (even when not duplicated) DISPLAY_PRETTIFIED Use pygments and sqlparse for queries tracing COLOR_FORMATTER_STYLE Color formatter style for Pygments RESPONSE_HEADER Custom response header that contains the total number of queries executed (None = disabled) DISPLAY_DUPLICATES Controls how the most common duplicate queries are displayed (None = displayed) =========================== =============================================================================================
Default settings (to be overridden in projects' settings)::
'MEDIUM': 50,
'HIGH': 200,
'RESPONSE_HEADER': 'X-DjangoQueryCount-Count',
When using django-constance
(optional) the value of IGNORE_ALL_REQUESTS
be overridden by config.QUERYCOUNT_IGNORE_ALL_REQUESTS
(if exists)
It is possible to execute a SQL statements against the default db connection using the following helper:
.. code:: python
query_inspector.sql.perform_query(sql, params, log=False, validate=True)
The resulting recordset will be returned as a list of dictionaries.
Or, you can save it in the Django admin (model query_inspector.Query), then click the "Preview" button.
If the query contains named parameters (such as %(name)s
), a form will be displayed to collect the
actual values before execution.
Inspired by:
django-sql-dashboard <>
_django-sql-explorer <>
_.. figure:: screenshots/query_preview.png
=================================== ============================================ key example =================================== ============================================ SITECOPY_REMOTE_HOST" SITECOPY_REMOTE_PROJECT_INSTANCE project" SITECOPY_REMOTE_MEDIA_FOLDER /home/project/public/media/" SITESYNC_WEBSERVER_PROCESS_NAME project_gunicorn' SITESYNC_SUPERVISOR_URL http://admin:PASSWORD@localhost:9090/RPC2' DUMP_LOCAL_DATA_TARGET_FOLDER BASE_DIR/dumps/localhost' PRE_CUSTOM_ACTIONS [] POST_CUSTOM_ACTIONS [] =================================== ============================================
Decorator to check how many queries are executed when rendering a specific view.
Adapted from:
Django select_related and prefetch_related: Checking how many queries reduce using these methods with an example <>
by Goutom Roy
from query_inspector import query_debugger
def tracks_list_view(request):
class TrackAjaxDatatableView(AjaxDatatableView):
def dispatch(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
.. figure:: screenshots/query_debugger.png
On rare occasions, you might want to trace queries immediately as they happen while stepping through the code.
For that aim, configure the 'django.db.backends' logger in your settings; to print formatted and colored queries, provided pygments and sqlparse have been installed, use the query_inspector.log.QueryLogHandler handler::
'version': 1,
'disable_existing_loggers': False,
'handlers': {
'db_console': {
'level': 'DEBUG',
#'class': 'logging.StreamHandler',
'class': 'query_inspector.log.QueryLogHandler',
'loggers': {
'django.db.backends': {
'handlers': ['db_console', ],
'level': 'DEBUG',
This is not obvious, since unit tests are run with DEBUG disabled.
Django provides a convenient CaptureQueriesContext for this:
.. code:: python
import pprint
from django import db
from django.test.utils import CaptureQueriesContext
from query_inspector import prettyprint_query
def text_whatever(self):
with CaptureQueriesContext(db.connection) as context:
... do your stuff ...
num_queries = context.final_queries - context.initial_queries
print('num_queries: %d' % num_queries)
for row in context.captured_queries:
print('time: ' + row['time'])
More examples are available here:
Python django.test.utils.CaptureQueriesContext() Examples <>
Some helper functions are available to print formatted and colored text in the console.
Optional requirements:
- sqlparse
- termcolor
- pygments
- tabulate
def trace(message, color='yellow', on_color=None, attrs=None, prompt='', prettify=False) Display 'message', optionally preceed by 'prompt'; If 'prettify' is True, format message with pprint
Color support provided by:
def prettyprint_query(query, params=None, colorize=True, prettify=True, reindent=True) Display the specified SQL statement
def prettyprint_queryset(qs, colorize=True, prettify=True, reindent=True) Display the SQL statement implied by the given queryset
def trace_func(fn): Decorator to detect: function call, input parameters and return value
def qsdump(* fields, queryset, max_rows=None, render_with_tabulate=True, title="") See below
def qsdump2(queryset, include, exclude, max_rows=None, render_with_tabulate=True, title="") Calls qsdump() building the field list from either "include" or "exclude" parameter
.. figure:: screenshots/prettyprint_queryset.png
.. figure:: screenshots/trace_func.png
With qsdump you can:
one or more field names; '*' means 'all'
the queryset to be inspected
optionally limit the numer of rows
use "tabulate" when available
optional title
qsdump('*', queryset=tracks, max_rows=10)
.. figure:: screenshots/qsdump.png
A few templatetags are available to render either a queryset or a list of dictionaries::
def render_queryset_as_table(* fields, queryset, options={})
def render_queryset_as_csv(* fields, queryset, options={})
def render_queryset_as_text(* fields, queryset, options={})
Sample usage::
{% load static query_inspector_tags %}
<link href="{% static 'query_inspector.css' %}" rel="stylesheet" />
<table class="simpletable smarttable">
{% render_queryset_as_table "id" "last_name|Cognome" "first_name|Nome" ... queryset=operatori %}
queryset: a queryset of a list of dictionaries with data to rendered
options: - max_rows: max n. of rows to be rendered (None=all) - format_date: date formatting string; see: + + - add_totals: computes column totals and append results as bottom row - transpose: flag to transpose the resulting table
fields: a list of field specifiers, espressed as: - "fieldname", or - "fieldname|title", or - "fieldname|title|extra_classes"
Field "extra classes" with special styles:
- "percentage": render column as %
- "enhanced"
- "debug-only"
.. figure:: screenshots/render_queryset.png
More templatetags::
def pdb(element)
def ipdb(element)
def format_datetime(dt, include_time=True, include_seconds=False, exclude_date=False)
def format_date(dt)
def format_datetime_with_seconds(dt)
def format_time(t, include_seconds=False)
def format_time_with_seconds(t)
def format_timedelta(td_object, include_seconds=True)
def format_timediff(t1, t2, include_seconds=True)
def timeformat_seconds(seconds)
def timeformat(seconds)
# def format_number(value, decimals, grouping )
def queryset_as_json(qs)
def object_as_dict(instance, fields=None, exclude=None)
def object_as_json(instance, fields=None, exclude=None, indent=0)
For greated control of the final rendering, you can retrieve headers and data rows separately (as lists) using:
def render_queryset_as_table(* fields, queryset, options={})
For example, the equivalent of:
.. code:: python
print(render_queryset_as_text(*fields, queryset=queryset, options=options))
can be reproduced as follows:
.. code:: python
headers, rows = render_queryset_as_data(*fields, queryset=queryset, options=options)
for row in rows:
Occasionally, you might need to switch columns and rows in the resulting table;
this can be obtained by adding a 'transpose': True
to the options
Currently available for render_queryset_as_data()
and render_queryset_as_table()
Alternatively, you can transpose a queryset with django-pandas
as follows:
.. code:: python
import pandas as pd
from import read_frame
df = read_frame(queryset)
table_html = df.transpose().to_html()
For historical reasons, we provide two different approaches to export the queryset as a spreadsheet:
with the class SpreadsheetQuerysetExporter (see Exporters
_ below)
parsing the queryset with the aid of render_queryset_as_table
The first requires a proper Queryset, while the second should work with either a Queryset or a list of dictionares.
In both cases, two helper view functions are available to build the HTTP response required for attachment download::
export_any_queryset(request, queryset, filename, excluded_fields=[], included_fields=[], csv_field_delimiter = ";")
export_any_dataset(request, *fields, queryset, filename, csv_field_delimiter = ";")
The helper function normalized_export_filename(title, extension) might be used to build filenames consistently.
Sample usage:
.. code:: python
from django.utils import timezone
from query_inspector.views import normalized_export_filename
from query_inspector.views import export_any_dataset
def export_tracks_queryset(request, file_format='csv'):
queryset = Track.objects.select_related('album', 'album__artist', )
filename = normalized_export_filename('tracks', file_format)
return export_any_queryset(
csv_field_delimiter = ";"
def export_tracks_dataset(request, file_format='csv'):
queryset = Track.objects.select_related('album', 'album__artist', )
filename = '%s_%s.%s' % (
fields = [
return export_any_dataset(request, *fields, queryset=queryset, filename=filename)
then in your template:
.. code:: html
<div style="text-align: right;">
<div class="toolbar">
<label>Export Tracks queryset:</label>
<a href="/tracks/download_queryset/xlsx/" class="button">Download (Excel)</a>
<a href="/tracks/download_queryset/csv/" class="button">Download (CSV)</a>
<br />
<div class="toolbar">
<label>Export Tracks dataset:</label>
<a href="/tracks/download_dataset/xlsx/" class="button">Download (Excel)</a>
<a href="/tracks/download_dataset/csv/" class="button">Download (CSV)</a>
.. code:: python
urlpatterns = [
path('tracks/download_queryset/csv/', views.export_tracks_queryset, {'file_format': 'csv', }),
path('tracks/download_queryset/xlsx/', views.export_tracks_queryset, {'file_format': 'xlsx', }),
path('tracks/download_dataset/csv/', views.export_tracks_dataset, {'file_format': 'csv', }),
path('tracks/download_dataset/xlsx/', views.export_tracks_dataset, {'file_format': 'xlsx', }),
def get_object_by_uuid_or_404(model, uuid_pk)
Calls get_object_or_404(model, pk=uuid_pk)
but also prevents "badly formed hexadecimal UUID string" unhandled exception
def prettify_json(data)
Given a JSON string, returns it as a safe formatted HTML
Sample usage in Model::
def summary_prettified(self):
return prettify_json(self.summary)
then add it to the list of readonly_fields in the ModelAdmin
def cleanup_queryset(queryset)
Remove multiple joins on the same table, if any
WARNING: can alter the origin queryset order
class XslxFile(object) XSLX writer
Requires: xlsxwriter
def open_xlsx_file(filepath, mode="rb") Utility to open an archive supporting the "with" statement
Sample usage::
with open_xlsx_file(filepath) as writer:
self.export_queryset(writer, fields, queryset)
assert writer.is_closed()
class SpreadsheetQuerysetExporter(object) Helper class to export a queryset to a spreadsheet.
Sample usage::
writer = csv.writer(output, delimiter=field_delimiter, quoting=csv.QUOTE_MINIMAL)
exporter = SpreadsheetQuerysetExporter(writer, file_format='csv')
See also: Download the queryset as CSV or Excel file (xlsx)
A few management commands are provided to:
- quickly download database and/or media file from a remote project's instance
- save/restore a backup copy of database and/or media files to/from a local backup folder
Database actions require Postrgresql; downloading from remote instance requires read access via SSH.
You're advised to double-check implied actions by dry-running these commands before proceeding.
sitecopy: Syncs database and media files from remote project "project" running on remote server ""
usage: sitecopy [-h] [--dry-run] [--quiet] [--host HOST] [-v {0,1,2,3}] [--settings SETTINGS]
Syncs database and media files for project "gallery" from remote server ""
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--dry-run, -d Dry run (simulate actions)
--quiet, -q do not require user confirmation before executing commands
--host HOST Default: ""
-v {0,1,2,3}, --verbosity {0,1,2,3}
Verbosity level; 0=minimal output, 1=normal output, 2=verbose output, 3=very verbose output
--settings SETTINGS The Python path to a settings module, e.g. "myproject.settings.main". If this isn't provided, the
DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE environment variable will be used.
dump_local_data: Dump local db and media for backup purposes (and optionally remove old backup files)
DUMP_LOCAL_DATA_TARGET_FOLDER = getattr(settings, 'DUMP_LOCAL_DATA_TARGET_FOLDER', os.path.join(settings.BASE_DIR, '..', 'dumps', 'localhost'))
usage: dump_local_data [-h] [--target target] [--dry-run] [--max-age MAX_AGE] [--no-gzip] [--legacy]
[-v {0,1,2,3}] [--settings SETTINGS]
Dump local db and media for backup purposes (and optionally remove old backup files)
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--target target, -t target
choices: db, media, all; default: db
--dry-run, -d Dry run (simulation)
--max-age MAX_AGE, -m MAX_AGE
If > 0, remove backup files old "MAX_AGE days" or more
--no-gzip Do not compress result
--legacy use legacy Postgresql command syntax
-v {0,1,2,3}, --verbosity {0,1,2,3}
Verbosity level; 0=minimal output, 1=normal output, 2=verbose output, 3=very verbose output
--settings SETTINGS The Python path to a settings module, e.g. "myproject.settings.main". If this isn't provided, the
DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE environment variable will be used.
restore_from_local_data: Restore db and media from local backups
DUMP_LOCAL_DATA_TARGET_FOLDER = getattr(settings, 'DUMP_LOCAL_DATA_TARGET_FOLDER', os.path.join(settings.BASE_DIR, '..', 'dumps', 'localhost'))
usage: restore_from_local_data [-h] [--target target] [--dry-run] [--no-gzip] [--source-subfolder SOURCE_SUBFOLDER]
[-v {0,1,2,3}] [--settings SETTINGS]
Restore db and media from local backups; source folder is "/Volumes/VMS3/django_storage/gallery/dumps/localhost"
positional arguments:
prefix Initial substring to match the filename to restore from; provide enough characters to match a single file
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--target target, -t target
choices: db, media, all; default: db
--dry-run, -d Dry run (simulation)
--no-gzip Do not compress result
replaces "localhost" in DUMP_LOCAL_DATA_TARGET_FOLDER
-v {0,1,2,3}, --verbosity {0,1,2,3}
Verbosity level; 0=minimal output, 1=normal output, 2=verbose output, 3=very verbose output
--settings SETTINGS The Python path to a settings module, e.g. "myproject.settings.main". If this isn't provided, the
DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE environment variable will be used.
load_stock_queries: Load stock (readonly) queries from settings.QUERY_INSPECTOR_QUERY_STOCK_QUERIES list
Application should provide a list of stock queries as follows::
'slug': '...',
'title': '...',
'sql': """
'notes': "...",
}, {
Ideally, you should run this command at deployment time, to make sure that stock queries are always updated with sources.
During development, a "Reload stock queries" button is also available in the changelist.
QUERY_INSPECTOR_QUERY_STOCK_QUERIES can be either a list, or a callable which returns a list.
Additionally, you can optionally specify in settings.QUERY_INSPECTOR_QUERY_STOCK_VIEWS
a callable to list the sql views Models to be included in Stock queries
A collection of tools to render, export and inspect Django Querysets.
We found that django-query-inspector demonstrated a healthy version release cadence and project activity because the last version was released less than a year ago. It has 1 open source maintainer collaborating on the project.
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Socket for GitHub automatically highlights issues in each pull request and monitors the health of all your open source dependencies. Discover the contents of your packages and block harmful activity before you install or update your dependencies.
Security News
Fluent Assertions is facing backlash after dropping the Apache license for a commercial model, leaving users blindsided and questioning contributor rights.
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Socket researchers uncover the risks of a malicious Python package targeting Discord developers.
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The UK is proposing a bold ban on ransomware payments by public entities to disrupt cybercrime, protect critical services, and lead global cybersecurity efforts.