Work with the DNA Center APIs in native Python!
dnacentersdk is a community developed Python library for working with the DNA Center APIs. Our goal is to make working with DNA Center in Python a native and natural experience!
.. code-block:: python
from dnacentersdk import api
# Create a DNACenterAPI connection object;
# it uses DNA Center sandbox URL, username and password, with DNA Center API version
# and requests to verify the server's TLS certificate with verify=True.
dnac = api.DNACenterAPI(username="devnetuser",
# Find all devices that have 'Switches and Hubs' in their family
devices = dnac.devices.get_device_list(family='Switches and Hubs')
# Print all of demo devices
for device in devices.response:
print('{:20s}{}'.format(device.hostname, device.upTime))
# Find all tags
all_tags = dnac.tag.get_tag(sort_by='name', order='des')
demo_tags = [tag for tag in all_tags.response if 'Demo' in tag.name ]
# Delete all of the demo tags
for tag in demo_tags:
# Create a new demo tag
demo_tag = dnac.tag.create_tag(name='dna Demo')
task_demo_tag = dnac.task.get_task_by_id(task_id=demo_tag.response.taskId)
if not task_demo_tag.response.isError:
# Retrieve created tag
created_tag = dnac.tag.get_tag(name='dna Demo')
# Update tag
update_tag = dnac.tag.update_tag(id=created_tag.response[0].id,
name='Updated ' + created_tag.response[0].name,
description='DNA demo tag')
# Retrieved updated
updated_tag = dnac.tag.get_tag(name='Updated dna Demo')
# Get task error details
print('Unfortunately ', task_demo_tag.response.progress)
print('Reason: ', task_demo_tag.response.failureReason)
# Advance usage example using Custom Caller functions
# Define the get_global_credentials and create_netconf_credentials functions
# under the custom_caller wrapper.
# Call them with:
# dnac.custom_caller.get_global_credentials('NETCONF')
# dnac.custom_caller.create_netconf_credentials('65533')
def setup_custom():
lambda credential_type:
'credentialSubType': credential_type
lambda port:
"netconfPort": port
# Add the custom API calls to the connection object under the custom_caller wrapper
# Call the newly added functions
Check out the complete Introduction_
dnacentersdk handles all of this for you:
Reads your DNA Center credentials from environment variables.
Reads your DNA Center API version from environment variable DNA_CENTER_VERSION.
Controls whether to verify the server's TLS certificate or not according to the verify parameter.
Reads your DNA Center debug from environment variable DNA_CENTER_DEBUG. Boolean.
Wraps and represents all DNA Center API calls as a simple hierarchical tree of
native-Python methods
If your Python IDE supports auto-completion (like PyCharm_
), you can
navigate the available methods and object attributes right within your IDE
Represents all returned JSON objects as native Python objects - you can
access all of the object's attributes using native dot.syntax
Automatic Rate-Limit Handling Sending a lot of requests to DNA Center?
Don't worry; we have you covered. DNA Center will respond with a rate-limit
response, which will automatically be caught and "handled" for you.
Refresh token Each time the token becomes invalid, the SDK will generate a new valid token for you.
Installing and upgrading dnacentersdk is easy:
Install via PIP
.. code-block:: bash
$ pip install dnacentersdk
Upgrading to the latest Version
.. code-block:: bash
$ pip install dnacentersdk --upgrade
Compatibility matrix
The following table shows the supported versions.
.. list-table::
:widths: 50 50
:header-rows: 1
- Cisco DNA Center version
- Python "dnacentersdk" version
If your SDK is older please consider updating it first.
Excellent documentation is now available at:
Check out the Quickstart_ to dive in and begin using dnacentersdk.
Release Notes
Please see the releases_ page for release notes on the incremental functionality and bug fixes incorporated into the published releases.
Questions, Support & Discussion
dnacentersdk is a community developed and community supported project. If you experience any issues using this package, please report them using the issues_ page.
dnacentersdk_ is a community development projects. Feedback, thoughts, ideas, and code contributions are welcome! Please see the Contributing
_ guide for more information.
This library is inspired by the webexteamssdk_ library
All notable changes to this project will be documented in the CHANGELOG_ file.
The development team may make additional name changes as the library evolves with the Cisco DNA Center APIs.
Copyright (c) 2019-2021 Cisco Systems.
.. _Introduction: https://dnacentersdk.readthedocs.io/en/latest/api/intro.html
.. _dnacentersdk.readthedocs.io: https://dnacentersdk.readthedocs.io
.. _Quickstart: https://dnacentersdk.readthedocs.io/en/latest/api/quickstart.html
.. _dnacentersdk: https://github.com/cisco-en-programmability/dnacentersdk
.. _issues: https://github.com/cisco-en-programmability/dnacentersdk/issues
.. _pull requests: https://github.com/cisco-en-programmability/dnacentersdk/pulls
.. _releases: https://github.com/cisco-en-programmability/dnacentersdk/releases
.. the repository: dnacentersdk
.. pull request: pull requests
.. _Contributing: https://github.com/cisco-en-programmability/dnacentersdk/blob/master/docs/contributing.rst
.. _webexteamssdk: https://github.com/CiscoDevNet/webexteamssdk
.. _CHANGELOG: https://github.com/cisco-en-programmability/dnacentersdk/blob/main/CHANGELOG.md