Lumipy is a python library that integrates Luminesce and the Python Data Science Stack.
It is designed to be used in Jupyter, but you can use it scripts and modules as well.
It has two components
- Getting data: a fluent syntax for scripting up queries using python code. This makes it easy to build complex queries and get your data back as pandas DataFrames.
- Integration: infrastructure to build providers in python. This allows you to build data sources and transforms such as ML models and connect them to Luminesce. They can then be used by other users from the Web UI, Power BI, etc.
Lumipy is designed to be as easy to use and as unobtrusive as possible.
You should have to do minimal imports and everything should be explorable from Jupyter through tab completion and shift + tab
Lumipy is available from PyPI:
LumiPy Is our latest package which utilises the V2 Finbourne SDKs.
It is important to uninstall dve-lumipy-preview
before installing lumipy
. You can do this by running:
pip uninstall dve-lumipy-preview
We recommend using the --force-reinstall option to make this transition smoother. Please note that this will force
update all dependencies for lumipy and could affect your other Python projects.
pip install --force-reinstall lumipy
If you prefer not to update all dependencies, you can omit the --force-reinstall
and use the regular pip install
command instead:
pip install lumipy
Dve-Lumipy-Preview uses the V1 Finbourne SDKs and is no longer maintained.
pip install dve-lumipy-preview
Add a personal access token to your config. This first one will be the active one.
import lumipy as lm
lm.config.add('fbn-prd', '<your PAT>')
If you add another domain and PAT you will need to switch to it.
import lumipy as lm
lm.config.add('fbn-ci', '<your PAT>')
lm.config.domain = 'fbn-ci'
All built around the atlas object. This is the starting point for exploring your data sources and then using them.
Build your atlas with lm.get_atlas
. If you don't supply credentials it will default to your active domain in the config.
If there is no active domain in your config it will fall back to env vars.
import lumipy as lm
atlas = lm.get_atlas()
ins = atlas.lusid_instrument()'^').limit(10).go()
You can also specify the domain here by a positional argument, e.g. lm.get_atlas('fbn-ci')
will use fbn-ci
and will override the active domain.
Client objects are created in the same way. You can submit raw SQL strings as queries using run()
import lumipy as lm
client = lm.get_client()'select ^ from lusid.instrument limit 10')
You can create a client
or atlas
for a domain other than the active one by specifying it in get_client
or get_atlas
import lumipy as lm
client = lm.get_client('fbn-prd')
atlas = lm.get_atlas('fbn-prd')
Python providers are build by inheriting from a base class, BaseProvider
, and implementing the __init__
and get_data
The former defines the 'shape' of the output data and the parameters it takes. The latter is where the provider actually does something.
This can be whatever you want as long as it returns a dataframe with the declared columns.
Running Providers
This will run the required setup on the first startup.
Once that's finished it'll spin up a provider that returns Fisher's Irises dataset.
Try it out from the web GUI, or from an atlas in another notebook. Remember to get the atlas again once it's finished starting up.
This uses the built-in PandasProvider
class to make a provider object, adds it to a ProviderManager
and then starts it.
import lumipy.provider as lp
p = lp.PandasProvider(
This will also default to the active domain if none is specified as an argument to the provider manager.
You can run globally in the domain so other users can query your provider by setting user='global'
and whitelist_me=True
the ProviderManager
The setup consists of getting the dlls for the dotnet app (provider factory) and getting the pem files to run in the domain.
To run the setup on its own run the lp.setup()
function. This takes the same arguments as get_client
and get_atlas
Building Providers
The following example will simulate a set of coin flips. It has two columns Label
and Result
, and one
parameter Probability
with a default value of 0.5.
Its name and column/param content are specified in __init__
. The simulation of the coin flips
happens inside get_data
where we draw numbers from a binomial distribution with the given probability and n = 1.
We also have a check for the probability value. If it's out of range an error will be thrown in python and reported back
in the progress log and query status.
Finally, the provider object is instantiated and given to a provider manager. The provider manager is then started up with
the run()
import lumipy.provider as lp
from pandas import DataFrame
from typing import Union, Iterator
import numpy as np
class CoinFlips(lp.BaseProvider):
def __init__(self):
columns = [
lp.ColumnMeta('Label', lp.DType.Text),
lp.ColumnMeta('Result', lp.DType.Int),
params = [lp.ParamMeta('Probability', lp.DType.Double, default_value=0.5)]
super().__init__('test.coin.flips', columns, params)
def get_data(self, context) -> Union[DataFrame, Iterator[DataFrame]]:
limit = context.limit()
if limit is None:
limit = 100
p = context.get('Probability')
if not 0 <= p <= 1:
raise ValueError(f'Probability must be between 0 and 1. Was {p}.')
return DataFrame({'Label':f'Flip {i}', 'Result': np.random.binomial(1, p)} for i in range(limit))
coin_flips = CoinFlips()
Lumipy also contains a command line interface (CLI) app with five different functions.
You can view help for the CLI and each of the actions using --help
. Try this to start with
$ lumipy --help
This lets you configure your domains and PATs. You can show, add, set, delete and deactivate domains.
To see all options and args run the following
$ lumipy config --help
Config Examples
Set a domain as the active one.
$ lumipy config set --domain=my-domain
Add a domain and PAT to your config.
$ lumipy config add --domain=my-domain --token=<my token>
Show a censored view of the config contents.
$ lumipy config show
Delete a domain from the config.
$ lumipy config delete --domain=my-domain
Deactivate the config so no domain is used by default.
$ lumipy config deactivate
This lets you run python providers. You can run prebuilt named sets, CSV files, python files containing provider objects,
or even a directory containing CSVs and py files.
Run Examples
$ lumipy run path/to/
$ lumipy run path/to/my_data.csv
Built-in Set
$ lumipy run demo
$ lumipy run path/to/dir
This command runs a SQL query, gets the result back, shows it on screen and then saves it as a CSV.
Query Examples
Run a query (saves as CSV to a temp directory).
$ lumipy query --sql="select ^ from lusid.instrument limit 5"
Run a query to a defined location.
$ lumipy query --sql="select ^ from lusid.instrument limit 5" --save-to=/path/to/output.csv
This lets you run the provider infrastructure setup on your machine.
You must have the .NET 8 SDK installed to run providers.
Setup Examples
Run the py providers setup. This will redownload the certs and get the latest dlls, overwriting any that are already there.
$ lumipy setup --domain=my-domain
This lets you run the Lumipy test suites.
Test Examples
You can run unit
tests, integration
tests, provider
tests, or everything
$ lumipy test unit
Windows Setup
To use LumiPy and run local providers it is recommended that you use an admin powershell
Install (or update) LumiPy using your powerhsell
LumiPy (V2 Finbourne SDK)
$ pip install lumipy --upgrade
Verify that your install was succesful.
$ lumipy --help
Setup your config with a personal access token (PAT).
$ lumipy config add --domain=my-domain --token=my-pat-token
Ensure you can run local providers. To run these providers globally add --user==global
and --whitelist-me
to the command below.
$ lumipy run demo
Testing Local Changes on Windows
To test your local dve-lumipy
changes on Windows add dve-lumipy
to your python path (inside your environment variables).
Authenticating with the SDK (Lumipy)
Example using the lumipy.client.get_client()
from lumipy.client import get_client
client = get_client()
Recommended Method
Authenticate by setting up the PAT token via the CLI or directly in Python (see the Configure section above).
Secrets File
Initialize get_client
using a secrets file:
client = get_client(api_secrets_file="secrets_file_path/secrets.json")
File structure should be:
"api": {
"luminesceUrl": "",
"clientId": "clientId",
"clientSecret": "clientSecret",
"appName": "appName",
"certificateFilename": "test_certificate.pem",
"accessToken": "personal access token"
"proxy": {
"address": "",
"username": "proxyuser",
"password": "proxypass"
Keyword Arguments
Initialize get_client
with keyword arguments:
client = get_client(username="myusername", ...)
Relevant keyword arguments include:
- token_url
- api_url
- username
- password
- client_id
- client_secret
- app_name
- certificate_filename
- proxy_address
- proxy_username
- proxy_password
- access_token
Environment Variables
The following environment variables can also be set: