
A set of Data analysis tools in pYTHON 3.x.
Dython was designed with analysis usage in mind - meaning ease-of-use, functionality and readability are the core
values of this library.
Dython can be installed directly using pip
pip install dython
or, via the conda
package manager:
conda install -c conda-forge dython
Modules documentation can be found on shakedzy.xyz/dython.
You can also learn more and see examples of the main methods of this library on
these blogposts.
Contributions are always welcomed - if you found something you can fix, or have an idea for a new feature, feel free to write it and open a pull request. Please make sure to go over the contributions guidelines.
Use this reference to cite if you use Dython in a paper:
author = {Zychlinski, Shaked},
title = {{dython}},
year = {2018},
url = {https://github.com/shakedzy/dython},
doi = {10.5281/zenodo.12698421}