This document describes the General Index Python SDK which allows permissioned users to access GX data within
their python scripts.
Note that the SDK does not cover everything from API documentation but rather commonly used features.
The scope of the SDK:
- GX API - retrieves data directly from GX API endpoints
- Datalake Handler - downloading / uploading / reading files from the data lake
How to install and set the package:
pip3 install generalindex=={$VERSION}
As the library is available from pip, it can be installed as a specific version within a Python Task from within
requirements.txt just by adding:
The package relies on the other libraries so, in the project, the user must install this library in the requirements.txt
Environment Variables
The package uses information from the environment variables.
If running the script locally, users must set them in the project.
Mandatory environment variables to set:
Optional environment variables to set:
- NG_API_ENDPOINT → the URL to the GX platform API (by default, the url is set to
This allows to pass the authentication process and directs users' requests to the GX environment API.
The retrieved data can be:
- streamed directly to memory as a BytesIO object, both in CSV and JSON format,
- saved as a file locally with the provided path and name, both in CSV and JSON format.
Index endpoint
How to read data from index endpoint?
It is possible to use the SDK to directly query the GX API endpoints for data, using the index symbol keys (code,
period, periodType, timeRef),
the datalake group it is stored on and additional params.
The retrieved data can be:
- streamed directly to memory as a BytesIO object, both in CSV and JSON format,
- saved as a file locally with the provided path and name, both in CSV and JSON format.
Extra settings are as well available to query data:
- code: Symbol code (default '*' )
- period: Symbol period (default '*' ).
- period_type: Symbol periodType (default '*' )
- time_ref: Symbol timeRef (default '*' )
- group: Name of the group (default Prod_Indexes)
- module: Name of the IndexModule. Can't use with 'code','period','periodType' and 'timeRef' parameter
- start_from: Start date (default beginning of the day) Accepted values (where * is a number):
- today
- *d - specific amount of days
- *m - specific amount of months
- *y - specific amount of years
- all- no specified starting point
- {x}v- only x last values for each index
- ISO date ex. 2022-11-21T00:00:00
- to: End date (default end of the day) Accepted values (where * is a number):
- today
- *d - specific amount of days
- *m - specific amount of months
- *y - specific amount of years
- ISO date ex. 2022-11-21T00:00:00
- delta: Delta will filter timeseries by insertion date instead of the actual timestamp of data (default false)
- metadata: to either return it in the response or not (default false) Accepted values: true, false, only
- metadata_fields: Filter by metadata field e.g. {"metadata.tradinghub":"NWE"}
- order: Order of results by date (default desc)
- timezone: Timezone as string used for the timestamps in the Date column. Format: Continent/City, for example Europe/London (default UTC)
- fields: Filter by value field e.g. {"FactsheetVersion":"1"}
- headers: Additional headers, which will be sent with request for symbols e.g. {"Example-Header":"Example_header_value"}
The following code shows an example of how to query the index:
import pandas as pd
import generalindex as gx
api = gx.GxApi()
api.index(code=['GX0000001'], start_from='all', headers={"Example-Header":"Example_header_value"})\
.file(file_name='test/query.csv', output_type='csv')
df = pd.read_csv("test/query.csv")
data = api.index(code=['GX0000001'], start_from='all' , headers={"Example-Header":"Example_header_value"})\
df = pd.read_csv(data)
How to read data from Index in JSON format?
To retrieve data in JSON format use json() method as follows. This
import generalindex as gx
api = gx.GxApi()
json_data = api.index(code=["GX0000001"],start_from='all').json()
api.index(code=['GX0000001'], start_from='all', group='MyGroup')\
.file(file_name='test/result.txt', output_type='json')
How to read data from Index for specific dates?
To retrieve the data within specific time frame, user can specify the from and to params.
There are multiple options how the from and to params may look like (where * is a number):
- today
- *d - specific amount of days
- *m - specific amount of months
- *y - specific amount of years
- all- no specified starting point
- {x}v- only x last values for each index
- ISO date ex. 2022-11-21T00:00:00
- date ex. 2022-11-21
- today
- *d - specific amount of days
- *m - specific amount of months
- *y - specific amount of years
- ISO date ex. 2022-11-21T00:00:00
- date ex. 2022-11-21
If date and time is specified then data will be retrieved exactly for the specified time frame.
Note that ISO format must be followed: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss. Pay attention to the "T" letter between date and time.
import generalindex as gx
api = gx.GxApi()
group='My Group',
group='My Group',
group='My Group',
group='My Group',
group='My Group',
How to download data with the different Time Zone?
The timestamps in the queried time series are set by default to UTC.
It is described in the Date column header between brackets (for example Date(UTC))
To modify the timezone in the retrieved dataset, the timezone can be passed as a follow parameter.
Timezones are specified as per the IANA Time Zone database
import generalindex as gx
import pandas as pd
api = gx.GxApi()
data = api.index(group='My Group', start_from='2d',
df = pd.read_csv(data)
How to get the metadata along with the data ?
It is possible to get extra columns in the retrieved data, along with the keys & column values, containing the metadata
of the symbols.
It is done by setting the argument metadata='true' in the retrieval function.
By default, no metadata is included in the queried data.
It is possible to get only columns containing the metadata of the symbols.
It is done by setting the argument metadata='only' in the retrieval function.
import generalindex as gx
api = gx.GxApi()
data = api.index(group='My Group', start_from='2d',
metadata = api.index(group='My Group', start_from='2d',
How to get index codes belonging to specified module ?
The gx index codes are organized into modules.
Those can be queried using module param.
Note that module parameter can't be used with 'code','period','periodType' and 'timeRef' parameters
import generalindex as gx
api = gx.GxApi()
data = api.index(start_from="1m", module=['GlobalOilSelect']).json()
How to filter the data by selected column ?
The gx index data can be queried using multiple params also by values in the columns:
By providing the dictionary of column name and column values or metadata column and value we can filter out
data that is not needed.
import generalindex as gx
api = gx.GxApi()
filter_fields = {"FactsheetVersion": "1"}
data = api.index(code=["GX000001", "GX000002"], start_from="2m", fields=filter_fields).json()
metadata_fields = {"metadata.Currency": "USD"}
data = api.index(code=["GX000001", "GX000002"], start_from="2m", metadata='true', metadata_fields=metadata_fields).json()
Catalogue endpoint
It allows to get list of all available GX Indexes organized in modules.
Extra settings available to query data:
- code: Symbol code (default '*' )
- no_module: Include indexes without index module set (default false).
- :param module: Filter by provided IndexModule name.
- fields: Filter by catalogue field e.g. {"field.status":"Live"}
- limit_fields: Limit request to specified fields e.x. 'Code,Title'
The following code shows an example of how to query the catalogue:
How to get the list of existing gx indexes?
import generalindex as gx
gx_api = gx.GxApi()
limit_fields = ['Code', 'Currency']
filter_fields = {'field.Currency': 'USD'}
Symbols endpoint
How to get the list of existing symbols for a given group ?
Data saved in the time series database is structured by group, keys and timestamp.
Each set of keys has unique dates entries in the database, with corresponding columns values.
To explore what are the available symbols for a given group, the following method can be used:
import generalindex as gx
gx_api = gx.GxApi()
group_symbols = gx_api.get_symbols()
group = 'Other_Group'
group_symbols = gx_api.get_symbols(group)
The default size of the returned list is 1 000 items. Maximum size for this method is 10 000 symbols. If more symbols are expected please use stream
Note that the return object from the get_symbols() method is a JSON (python dict) where the keys and columns are
accessible in the items key of the JSON.
Streaming symbols
import generalindex as gx
gx_api = gx.GxApi()
group_symbols = gx_api.stream_symbols()
group = 'Other_Group'
group_symbols = gx_api.stream_symbols(group)
How to query by metadata or descriptions?
In order to find the symbols querying by the metadata, column or symbol names, search parameter may be used.
It will look for passed string in the whole time series database and return the JSON with keys and columns where
searched string appears.
Note that search param is case-sensitive !
import generalindex as gx
gx_api = gx.GxApi()
search = 'symbols.Code=GX0000001'
searched_symbols = gx_api.get_symbols(search=search)
Passing both group_name and search_for parameters of the get_symbols() method allows to narrow down the results from
selected group.
If trying to get the list of symbols from a group that contains more than 1 000 items, the results will be paginated (by
default into chunks of 1 000 items).
To navigate in the large results the get_symbols() method takes as extra arguments the size of the returned list and
the from page:
import generalindex as gx
gx_api = gx.GxApi()
group_symbols = gx_api.get_symbols(size=200, start_from=5)
By default, these parameters are _size=1000 (the maximum limit for the items lengths) and _from=0.
Datalake Handler
How to download or read a file from data lake by its ID ?
In the case that the file ID is known, it can be directly downloaded/read as follows:
import generalindex as gx
import pandas as pd
dh = gx.DatalakeHandler()
fileIO = dh.download_by_id(file_id='XXXX-XXXX',
df = pd.read_csv(fileIO)
The download methods allows to either:
- download and save locally the wanted file, if save=True
- read the file directly from the datalake and get a BytesIO object (kept in memory only, that can for example be read
by pandas as a dataframe directly)
Note that by default:
- the file is NOT saved locally, but returned as a BytesIO object (streamed from the datalake).
- the argument dest_file_name=None, which will save the downloaded file to the root folder with its original name.
How to upload a file to the data lake?
The uploading method will upload to the given group the file at the specified path, and returns its ID on the lake.
Group name will be provided by GX Support:
import generalindex as gx
dh = gx.DatalakeHandler()
file_id = dh.upload_file(file='path/local_name.csv', group_name='Provided_Name', file_upload_name='name_in_the_datalake.csv',
file_type='SOURCE', partial_update=False,
It is possible as well to stream a python object's content directly to the datalake from memory, without having to save
the file on the disk.
The prerequisite is to pass to the uploading method a BytesIO object as file parameter (not other objects such as pandas
import generalindex as gx
import io
dh = gx.DatalakeHandler()
fileIO = io.BytesIO(df.to_csv().encode())
file_id = dh.upload_file(file=fileIO, group_name='My Group', file_upload_name='name_in_the_datalake.csv',
file_type='SOURCE', partial_update=False,
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