Simplesearch provides an easy and really simple way to offer search on your website.
it installs a Class that you can use to execute queries and a managment command you can use to update the indext pages based on a sitemap.xml
Quick start
Add "simplesearch" to your INSTALLED_APPS setting like this::
edit settings.py file to include the location of the search index.
INDEX_DIR = os.path.join(BASE_DIR, 'index')
run the command ./manage.py update_search_index
access the search backen from your views with:
from simplesearch import SimpleSiteSearcher
searcher = SimpleSiteSearcher()
results = searcher.search('a query String')
This will return a list like this:
title:'some tiele',
text:'relevant part of the searched text with on the important terms',
url:'the url to the page on your site where the text was found'
you may then use the list in your templates to display the search results.