|Language grade Python|
hassfeld is a module primarily aimed to integrated Teufel Smart Speaker (aka Raumfeld Multiroom) into https://www.home-assistant.io/. However, the design is not tailored to Home Assistant and can be used as a module to any Pyhton program to control the Teufel Smart Speaker. The module also provides corresponding asyncio methods.
Look how it is to use with asyncrhonous I/O::
import asyncio
import aiohttp
import hassfeld
async def main():
host = "teufel-host.example.com"
port = 47365
session = aiohttp.ClientSession()
raumfeld = hassfeld.RaumfeldHost(host, port, session=session)
await raumfeld.async_wait_initial_update()
zone = ["Master Bedroom"]
media_info = await raumfeld.async_get_media_info(zone)
print(f"Media info: {media_info}")
await session.close()
The use with blocking I/O was supported too but is currently broken::
import hassfeld
raumfeld_host = "teufel-host.example.com"
zone = [ "Living room", "Kitchen" ]
raumfeld = hassfeld.RaumfeldHost(raumfeld_host)
raumfeld.search_and_zone_play(zone, 'raumfeld:any contains "Like a Rolling Stone"')
- Management and snapshot of zones.
- Search and play songs.
Install hassfeld by running::
python3 -m pip install hassfeld
The project is licensed under the GNU General Public License v3 (GPLv3).
.. |Language grade Python| image:: https://github.com/B5r1oJ0A9G/hassfeld/actions/workflows/github-code-scanning/codeql/badge.svg?branch=master
:target: https://github.com/B5r1oJ0A9G/hassfeld/actions/workflows/github-code-scanning/codeql